IoTeX “IoLove Creations” Campaign — Winners Chosen!

Published in
5 min readAug 8, 2018


Greetings everyone. From July 23-July 30, we received so much love from our community through our IoLove Creations Campaign which has officially closed! Countless #CreatedWithIoLove submissions from supporters all around the world blew the IoTeX team away. We were impressed not only by the amazing artistic skills our community holds, but also by the resonating message these artworks conveyed over and over again — IoTeX’s community is globally strong and is one that has proven to think outside of the box. We are honored to have a community with such vigor and dedication!

On this note, the IoTeX team would like to showcase #IoLoveFeatures, submissions that we believe have encapsulated the spirit of the campaign perfectly if not better than what we had imagined it to be. Congratulations to the top 100 submissions listed below which the IoTeX team handpicked during the past week! It was an extremely difficult process as we received beyond just 100 stellar submissions. Thank you to everyone who participated in this campaign!

*We will be distributing the points gradually.

Top 30 Submissions

#IoLoveFeatures (Top 30)

Here are some of the top 30 submissions we have received!

Our first place submission! We loved this drawing of IoTeX’s bots taking a selfie with the Earth. So creative!

Our first place submission!

Our second place submission: Yarn bots! The IoTeX team loved how adorable and crafty this was.

Second place submission.

Our third place submission: Awesome drawings of IoTeX’s very own co-founders: Raullen Chai, Jing Sun, and Qevan Guo. Amazing work!

Third place submission.

Top 20: Beautiful redrawing of IoTeX’s logo in color pencil with Daniel Sirto’s pet lizard!

Top 10: Delicious mint chocolate cake baked with IoTeX’s logo! Would love to celebrate IoTeX team members’ birthdays with this cake :)

Top 10: Intricate polygonal digital drawing of the co-founders: Raullen Chai, Jing Sun, and Qevan Guo! Awesome job.

Top 10: Customized IOTX wallets with beautiful pet cats! Love the idea, so creative!

Top 10: Painting time lapse video! The IoTeX team enjoyed watching the creative process of this artwork.

Top 10:

Top 10: IoTeX FAQ for Pets. This creative blog post highlights how a smart home connected by IoTeX’s network can enhance house pets’ experiences.

Top 10.

Top 20: IoTeX’s website redesigned! This one-of-a-kind submission was a sleek and beautiful, alternative vision to IoTeX’s home page.

Top 20.

Top 20: IoTeX’s logo baked in a dish! This looks so yummy and the team wishes we can try this for lunch one day.

Top 20: A fellow IoTeX supporter with a quirky and bold drawing of IoTeX and one of our bots! Truly beautiful!

Top 20: A creative time lapse video of utilizing Playdoh/clay to spell out “I ❤ [IoTeX Logo]”. Loved how much detail went into this!

Top 30: IoTeX’s logo transformed by wood! Cool, and intricate.

Top 30.

Top 30: Cute IoTeX cookies. The IoTeX team would like an order of 40 please!

Top 30:

Top 31–100 Submissions

#IoLoveFeatures Top 31–100

Here are a few #IoLoveFeatures submissions from the top 31–100.

Top 40: Out-of-the-box take on IoTeX’s logo!

Top 40.

Top 40: Would not want to step on one of these! Awesome configuration of the IoTeX logo with legos.

Top 40.

Top 70: Mother and son posing in front of the National Library of Belarus, showing off IoTeX!

Top 70.

Although we are unable to showcase every submission we received in this post, we truly do appreciate each and every one. Catch more #IoLoveFeatures on Twitter as we will be occasionally showcasing a few spontaneously! It’s been a pleasure for the IoTeX team to host this campaign.

About IoTeX

IoTeX is the auto-scalable and privacy-centric blockchain infrastructure for the Internet of Things (IoT). IoTeX’s global team is comprised of Ph.Ds in Cryptography, Distributed Systems, and Machine Learning, top tier engineers, and experienced ecosystem builders. IoTeX is developing several in-house innovations to push the frontier of blockchain 3.0, including a blockchains-in-blockchain architecture for heterogeneous computing, lightning fast Roll-DPoS consensus mechanism, and lightweight privacy-preserving techniques. IoTeX is bringing autonomous device coordination to the masses by “connecting the physical world, block by block.”

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