IoTeX & Polygon (Matic) Partner for Real-World NFTs on OpenSea & Cross-Chain Bridge

Published in
Apr 22, 2021


IoTeX & Polygon (previously Matic) are excited to announce a new partnership to explore the design space of IoT-based digital assets and Layer 2 scalability. Our partnership will kick off with a cross-chain bridge for IoTeX tokens/NFTs, including ‘Real-World NFTs’ from Pebble GO. This will enable IoTeX NFTs to be tradable on OpenSea, a leading P2P marketplace for NFTs built on Polygon! In the future, we will explore new use cases for how IoT-based digital assets from IoTeX can be utilized across Polygon’s network of 200+ Dapps, including DeFi, games, and prediction markets.

⚡ ATTENTION: we have moved from Medium to our own hosted blog at

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