IoTeX Project Updates #13 — March 19 to April 17, 2019

Published in
8 min readApr 17, 2019


Greetings everyone! We are back with our Project Update Report №13 for 03/19 — 04/17 period. In the last month, our team continued to work hard on executing Mainnet Rehearsal for our 50+ Delegates in preparation for the upcoming Mainnet Alpha release, working closely with the community in order to educate them and provide resources on how staking & voting works in our network and launching some creative and exciting campaigns for our dedicated followers 💙 We have prepared this blog in order to do a recap of our recent achievements to share with our beloved community.

IoTeX Mainnet Alpha Countdown is ON now!

After 2 years of development, we are proud to announce that IoTeX Mainnet Alpha will be launched on April 22 🚀 In order to get familiar with this code releases and why it’s such an important milestone for IoTeX, please see

Official launch website ▶️

Mainnet Alpha blog ▶️

Recap of IoTeX Mainnet Rehearsals!

In order for the IoTeX Mainnet Alpha to take place and make sure that the Delegates are able to run the consensus of the network in a secure way on behalf of the entire community, IoTeX’s team has executed Mainnet Rehearsal sessions by creating various workshops (i.e., infrastructure, monitoring, rewards) and practicing real world Delegate scenarios:

  • Network bootstrap: start blockchain + consensus process from scratch
  • First aid: pause / resume blockchain without affecting block production
  • Hotfix (compatible): install new software without pausing consensus (e.g., bug fixes, new features)
  • Hotfix (non-compatible): network-wide pause to install new software (e.g., serious issues that should not happen regularly)
  • Rollback & recovery: reverse a set of blocks and allow blockchain to recover (e.g., critical issues and bugs, should not happen)

We have been recording all the sessions and prepared the recap for you in the blog posts below:

Overview of the IoTeX Mainnet Rehearsal

Mainnet Rehearsal Kickoff Report

IoTeX Mainnet Rehearsal Update — Incredible Progress Every Day!

IoTeX Mainnet Rehearsal Conclusion

IoTeX Member Portal is Coming Soon!

The IoTeX Member Portal is your one-stop shop for all things Blockchain + IoT. We will be sharing product reviews / unboxings and giving away FREE IoT devices and exclusive IoTeX swag!

✅ Only Genesis Voters will get access to the IoTeX Member Portal. Haven’t voted yet? Go to and vote today!

🎥 Check out the video below & if you like this initiative, give us 👍

IoTeX Stake & Vote

We hope that most of our community has already staked & voted and already looking forward to receiving their early voter rewards from the IoTeX Foundation, but in case if you are new to IoTeX, here are the resources that you will find helpful:

Step-by-step blog ▶️

Guidebook ▶️

Voting Guide video ▶️

Make sure to get familiar with our 50+ Delegates and review their website, introduction, community plan, and rewards plan that you can access through the voting website below.

IoTeX’s Delegates & Partners Updates

Mobile Voting DApp by Cobo Wallet

We are excited to inform our community that Cobo Wallet — IoTeX Delegate and strategic partner — has officially released the first Mobile Voting DApp for IoTeX Delegates Program! With this mobile voting platform, the voting process can be performed directly through the Cobo Wallet with built-in MetaMask tool.

Open-source Reward Calculation Tool by Infinity Stones

IoTeX Lab presenting IoTeX at the @IoThingsMilan Industry event in Italy!

Follow IoTeX for the latest updates on CoinGecko

IoT: The Problem Blockchain Is Looking For? — Consensus Networks

IoTeX’s token contract gets a 100% score in the security audit by CertiK Foundation

Marketing & PR Updates

Interview with BlockchainBrad

Our Head of Business Development, Larry Pang, sat down with BlockchainBrad to talk all things IoTeX & provide insightful information on the things we are working on, our vision, approach and plans for the current year. We suggest you to check out the livestream and for your convenience, the timestamps are provided, as well as, here is a short summary report of the main points discussed in this interview.

Interview Video

BlockGroup Invested in IoTeX

Three Altcoin Prospects to Check Out Now

IoTeX in the report by @santimentfeed

IoTeX in the @marketsmarkets report!

Can a blockchain handle the IoT and protect your private data too?

IoTeX in the top 10 out of ALL projects based on CoinMarketCap Fundamental Crypto Asset Score

Community & Campaigns

AMA & Livestream Video + Recap — March 26

Get creative & join our IoLove Campaign II

Mainnet Alpha Celebration

Calling all tech supporters for the DDoS Attack Bounty Campaign

IoTeX News

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch the weekly project updates & other cool videos from us and our community!

Here’s our latest episode:

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with our latest updates!

If you are interested in becoming an IoTeX Partner, please complete this form.

If you are interested in becoming an IoTeX Delegate, please complete this form.

If you are interested in becoming an IoTeX Brand Ambassador, please read this blog & complete the form.

About IoTeX

IoTeX began the journey in 2017 to build the Internet of Trusted Things, where all physical and virtual “things” — humans, machines, businesses, and dApps — can efficiently exchange information and value at global scale. Backed by a global team of research scientists and top engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, trusted hardware and edge computing to realize the full potential of IoT.

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