IoTeX Project Updates №28 {Aug 16 — October 1, 2020}

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2 min readOct 3, 2020


Greetings our dear supporters! We are back with our Monthly Project Update for August & September 2020. Throughout these two months, we have introduced DeFioT, released tools and services to support it, as well as, launched our first blockchain-powered product Ucam on Amazon US! Get up to speed with our summary below!

⚡ ATTENTION: we have moved from Medium to our own hosted blog at

Read Full Post Here >>> IoTeX Project Updates #28 {Aug 16 — October 1, 2020}

About IoTeX

Founded as an open-source platform in 2017, IoTeX is building the Internet of Trusted Things, an open ecosystem where all “things” — humans, machines, businesses, and DApps — can interact with trust and privacy. Backed by a global team of 30+ top research scientists and engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, secure hardware, and confidential computing to enable next-gen IoT devices, networks, and economies. IoTeX will empower the future decentralized economy by “connecting the physical world, block by block”.

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