IoTeX & Scaleout Partner for Decentralized Machine Learning

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1 min readMar 5, 2021


IoTeX and Scaleout are partnering to enable trusted, end-to-end machine learning and the first community-owned machine learning models via Initial Model Offerings (IMO).

Machine learning is all about learning and extracting value from data — if data is the new gold, then machine learning is the smelting process. As our world becomes more digitized, the data we use to train the machine learning models that will one day control/influence our vehicles, cities, and health must be raised to a higher standard. The $10 billion machine learning industry has yet to reach its full potential due to centralized control of the end-to-end process by individual institutions. But blockchain, as a trusted orchestrator, and secure hardware, as a verifiable data generator, have the potential to transform and democratize the machine learning industry. That starts now.

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