IoTeX Social Media Update: Growth Patterns, Diversity, and Engagement

Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2018


Here at IoTeX we have witnessed the growth of our social media platform tremendously over the last few weeks. Our marketing team decided to dig a little further into finding out more about our community members. We’re very curious about our own growth trends and thought our followers would also be interested in seeing our growth patterns visualized as well!


Since IoTeX is attempting to create a global IoT Blockchain infrastructure, diversity is very important, and something that we are constantly monitoring, and keen on improving. By using Google Sheets’ DETECTLANGUAGE function on 10,000 of our Telegram users’ profiles, we broke down the different nationalities in the group by language spoken: Most surprisingly to us was the fact that behind English, Vietnamese was the most common language. Cảm ơn all our Vietnamese followers!

Source: Tableau Interactive Dashboard

Our followers on twitter are also quite diverse, check out this geographical representation of them, courtesy of tweepsmap:


Here’s where the our twitter followers are coming from:

Source: Tableau Interactive Dashboard

#1 USA
#2 Russia
#3 UK


Since our inception, IoTeX has shown immense growth across all social media platforms steadily. We just reached 2,500 followers on Twitter! So bring your friends, coworkers, and family members to join us!

Notably, our followers surged on the 22nd, when @ZeusZissou gave us a shoutout on Twitter.

Thanks @ZeusZissou
Source: Tableau Interactive Dashboard

Even more impressive is the growth that our Telegram group has seen:

we now have over 60,000 active users in our channel!

If we take a closer look, we can see how different announcements affect the growth and activity of the channel.

We had a spike of message volume on March 9th, 2018 when we announced the whitelist for the charity campaign. Not only has our Telegram channel exploded, but all our our users are very active on the platform!

Source: Tableau Interactive Dashboard

73% of our users are online within the last 24 hours as of this post, and 94% of them have been online within the last week.

Achievements Recap

IoTeX team works hard to bring a variety of campaigns and events to our community members and we have received many private messages from our members to voice out their support.

❤️Valentine Puzzle + Elliptical curve cryptography: People asked us to extend the deadline because they were still in the midst of solving the puzzle. There were a few who stayed up beyond their bedtime! What we loved was the fact that people were helping each other on our subreddit and offline! We interviewed a few of our winners to find out how they solved the puzzle (read here).

🍬Candy: This was our first airdrop and it helped us build a larger online presence, particularly in our telegram group. Most people joined through word-of-mouth. The millennials will then ask generation x and baby boomers to join us. It was a great way for the whole family to get involved.

🙌HADAX Huobi Vote: We placed #8 with 9,146 who voted for us. We received 34,756 votes from our supporters!

📝AMA (Ask Me Anything): We use AMA as a way for us to engage our community members by answering their questions. We have received many questions from all of our social media platforms (reddit/twitter/facebook/telegram) and here is the summary of all of the questions that we have answered: AMA Q&A. After the AMA, we tested our community members’ knowledge on IoTeX. We had over 2,500+ participants who scored > 60% on our AMA quiz. Great job everyone!

📣Original Content Campaign: We had many people who have entered their blog posts in our original content campaign. We have selected a few and tweet about the ones that were very well written. Please continue to submit your posts to us (instructions here).

💪Charity Campaign: This is our newest campaign, which is an effort to “make the world a better place”. We will be selecting a few charities in the next few months and encourage our community members to support their causes. Our whitelist registration was maxed out within the first 24 hours. More information and instructions on how to donate will be released soon via our official channels (telegram and medium). Subscribe to receive updates.

Thanks everyone for all of your support for the past few months. We love hearing your feedback and suggestions.

About IoTeX

IoTeX is dedicated to create the next generation of the IoT-oriented blockchain platform. The cutting edge blockchain-in-blockchain architecture will address the scalability, privacy, isolatability, and developability issues relating to the IoT DApps and ecosystem growth. By combining token incentives with our vibrant global community, we believe we can crowdsource top industry and community talents to push the frontier of blockchain 3.0.



