IoTeX’s Guide & Campaign — Allbit Listing Competition

Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2019


Hello our dear community!

This week we have received exciting news that IoTeX has been chosen by Allbit in collaboration with Upbit, as one of the 5 projects to participate in the AxU Project 5 Trade Listing Competition. This competition will allow the top 3 winners to get listed on Allbit with BTC/ETH trading pairs and receive a recommendation for priority listing on Upbit KRW Market, Korea’s premier exchange!

Competition Period

January 30 — March 4, 2019 (KST, GMT+9)

How to support IoTeX in this competition

1️⃣ Make sure you have an account on Allbit, if not, please sign up for one, complete the verification process and create a new wallet or link the existing one to your account

2️⃣ Go to to Trade IOTX

3️⃣ Go to to Vote for IoTeX (you can use either CREDIT or APOT)

IoTeX Community Reward Campaigns

Trading Lucky Draw

We will have daily lucky draw for all of the voters until the event ends.

🏆 1 Winner per day (will increase when we have more participants)

💰 Winner reward: 1,000 IOTX airdrop to trading wallet

🗓~30 days opportunities to win!

✅ To be eligible for the reward, you must:

  1. Join IoTeX Official Telegram Group.
  2. Trade at least one time per day here.
  3. Fill in the form to provide your trading proof. Results are collected everyday at 5:00 AM KST time.

Announcing the Winners!

Jan 31: 0x328*****E37eD

Feb 1: 0x9AA*****5d44b

Feb 2: 0x6DE*****a4295

Feb 3: 0xf81*****0337f

Feb 4: 0xC90*****999bA

Feb 5: 0x12E*****cd4a0

Feb 6: 0x21A*****6281f

Feb 7: 0xb88*****Af823

Feb 8: 0xdf8*****69BD9

Feb 9: 0x04d*****c8557

Feb 10: 0xAFd*****42eb9

Feb 11: 0x21B*****79873

Feb 12: 0x751*****5068c

Feb 13: 0xe4c*****37585

Feb 14: 0x486*****a41e7

Feb 15: 0xA7d*****0f89A

Feb 16: 0x5c8*****80C52

Feb 17: 0xd0F*****06a43

Feb 18: 0xA79*****F79B2

Feb 19: 0x256*****D8A9B

Feb 20: 0xbE2*****099b0

Feb 21: 0x10C*****84AbD

Feb 22: 0xDf4*****BE478

Feb 23: 0xdf7*****82d8d

Feb 24: 0x72d*****0Cfa7E

Feb 25: 0x202*****E7fA0

Feb 26: 0x8e2*****0FFDB

Feb 27: 0xFd3*****8FC2C

Feb 28: 0x4b3*****10495

Mar 1: 0xeD6*****B6154

Mar 2: 0x6a2*****FeBF8

Mar 3: 0x78a*****8617A

Mar 4: 0xC8d*****0fef5

Reward tokens for Jan 31~Feb 15 (the first half campaign period) will be delivered to the deposit address no later than 2/17/2019.

Reward tokens for Feb 16~Mar 4(the second half campaign period) will be delivered to the deposit address no later than 3/7/2019.

During this competition, each project will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

◼️ Volume — 35% of the total score is based on total trade volume for each coin.

◼️ Number of Traders — 35% of the total score is based on total number of traders for each coin.

◼️ Hold Amounts — 15% of the total score is based on the total number of tokens held on Allbit’s platform (during the duration of the contest).

◼️ Token Votes — 15% of the total score is based on the number of votes each token receives.

Step-by-step Guide

1️⃣Go to Allbit Exchange & log in OR to sign up

✔️ Change the language at the top of the menu

✔️ If you already have an account, simply log in. If not, click on sign up

✔️ If you are creating a new account, make sure to fill out all the fields and click OK

✔️ Check & confirm the authorization email sent to you

✔️ Select My Wallet at the top & create a new Allbit wallet

✔️ Complete steps 1–6 to finish the wallet set-up. Make sure to record your wallet address, private key and key phrase❗️❗️❗️

✔️ Click on My WalletTransferEnter your 2nd passwordCreate a deposit address (if the QR address is created, the deposit address has been successfully created)

✔️ Go to Exchange in order to trade IOTX to automatically participate in our Daily Trading Lucky Draw (details at the top

2️⃣How to VOTE

✔️ Log in ➡ click on Project 5 ➡ select Project Vote

✔️ Review the competition details

✔️You can vote 1 time every day using credit or APOT or a mix of both

About IoTeX

Founded as an open-source project in 2017, IoTeX is building the world’s leading privacy-centric blockchain platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). Their mission is to build a decentralized trust fabric for a new era of collaboration and data exchange among devices, applications and people. Backed by a global team of research scientists and top engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, trusted hardware and edge computing to realize the full potential of IoT.

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