Mainnet Rehearsal Kickoff Report

Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2019


Our Mainnet Rehearsal kickoff was a great success! 50+ IoTeX Delegates from around the world met online to practice bootstrapping the Mainnet from scratch. We are now starting the next era of IoTeX — thank you to our amazing Delegates for your commitment and teamwork!

In addition to the video recording above, we are excited to share with you a recap of our Mainnet Rehearsal Kickoff:

  • Introductions with IoTeX team and all Delegates
  • Mainnet Rehearsal Kickoff Presentation by IoTeX Foundation (slides here)
  • Bootstrap the Mainnet from scratch (i.e., block 0) and begin mining

We will have additional rehearsal sessions and workshops with Delegates over the coming weeks — make sure to follow our official channels for updates.

Testnet vs. Mainnet Rehearsal — what’s different?

For the past month, Delegates have mined on our Testnet using test tokens (IOTTT) and simulated votes. Today’s Mainnet Rehearsal was the first time real IOTX tokens and live votes / rankings were used to drive consensus!

Differences between Testnet vs. Mainnet Rehearsal

The Mainnet Rehearsal uses the latest iotex-core v0.5.0-rc6 code, which is the next iteration of v0.5.0-rc5 that has evolved via Testnet testing over the past month. Today’s rehearsal started with 24 Robo-Delegates running consensus, which were gradually replaced with elected Delegates.

Delegates will continue to mine on both the Testnet and the Mainnet instances, which use different staking/registration contracts and tokens (i.e., IOTX vs. IOTTT). Want to explore for yourself? See our Rehearsal Manual.

Mainnet Rehearsal Attendance

We were very happy with the attendance of our Mainnet Rehearsal kickoff, with >75% of Delegates actively participating in discussion, node setup, and mining. Delegates with experience mining on other PoS/DPoS networks (e.g., EOS, Tron, Tezos, Lisk) were very helpful.

Attended: Airfoil Services, CapitalMu (NUS), Cobo Wallet, Coingecko, Consensus Networks, CPC-IoTeX, DRoute Capital, Du Capital, EnlightiVision, GameFantasy, Hashbuy, Homotopic & DraperDragon, Infinity Stones, IOSG Venture, IoTASK, IoTeX Core, IoTeX Geeks, IoTeX ICU, IoTeX LAB, IoTeX Union, iotexmainnet, IoTeXTeam, iotxplorer, Keys IoTeX, Lanhu IoT, LongZ, Metanyx, PreAngel, Public Payments, RATELS, RKT8, Royal Land, WanNodes, Whales Capital. Youbi Validator, ZH Capital

Not attended: Alphacoin, Bgogo, BlockBoost, BlockVC, Crypto Lions, EON, IoTeX Hub, IoTeX Tech, Meter, PIEXGO, SlowMist, Super IoTeX, Wayi Validator

What are the upcoming Mainnet Rehearsal events?

As of now, 20+ Delegates have successfully produced blocks on the Mainnet (congrats to WanNodes for producing the first block!). Throughout the next week, Delegates will keep their servers running and continue mining. We will start a new instance (brand new chain) on Tuesday, April 2 to practice bootstrapping the Mainnet from scratch again.

Mainnet Rehearsal block production snapshot

On Friday, March 29, we will have a workshop where IoTeX Foundation will share best practices for: 1) recommended system infrastructure, 2) monitoring, on-call and devops, 3) rewards and token swap, and 4) blockchain fast sync. We will share the slides after the session — stay tuned!

When will Mainnet be launched?

The public Mainnet launch date will be announced in the coming week. Based on today’s successful Mainnet Rehearsal kickoff, we are confident that the Mainnet will be launched to the public in the next 2–3 weeks.

It is crucial that any potential security and performance issues are resolved before public Mainnet launch. Please be patient as we onboard all Delegates and put the finishing touches on our Mainnet code. Thank you for supporting IoTeX — let’s build the future together!

About IoTeX

IoTeX is the privacy-centric blockchain platform that is fast, flexible, and the Internet of Things (IoT) friendly. IoTeX’s global team is comprised of distinguished research scientists, top-tier engineers, and experienced ecosystem builders. Designed and optimized for IoT, IoTeX uses state-of-the-art privacy, consensus, and sub-chain innovations to capture the full potential of IoT. By enabling trusted data, interoperability, and M2M automation, IoTeX bridges the physical and digital worlds and brings trusted machine economies to the masses.



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