Augmenting Supply Chains With IoT, How 5G Is Driving Edge Intelligence, and Designing Energy Efficient Smart Cities

The best podcast episodes and articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team.

Michael Wedd
IoT For All
3 min readJun 14, 2019


Our Latest Podcast Episode

E030 | Augmenting Supply Chains With IoT

On this IoT For All podcast episode, Peter Mehring, Founder & CEO of Zest Labs, discusses how IoT is augmenting the global fresh food supply chain. He also shares how IoT solutions improve labor utilization and reduce the impact of food waste. Listen Now.

This Week’s Best Reads

3 Ways 5G Will Drive Edge Intelligence

5G and edge computing are closely related. With the 5G network infrastructure creating a completely new layer of “fog,” 5G will allow companies to feel more secure within their own private networks. This article dives into how 5G will drive the transformation of edge intelligence.

Energy Efficient Cities: Introducing Passive and Active Design

There are two distinct approaches that will work in unison to meet the growing energy demands of our urban future: passive design and active design. Active approaches depend on the development of new technologies and passive solutions integrating into current urban flows.

Your Guide to a Successful Cloud Migration

Migrating to the cloud is a good business decision. However, migration can seem like a cumbersome and daunting task, especially if you’re used to managing IT on-prem. This complete guide to efficient and effective cloud migration paves the way for successful cloud migration.

Five Things We’re Reading

1—Smart Cities Dive: Attorneys general from nine states and Washington, DC filed a lawsuit Tuesday to block a proposed merger between Sprint and T-Mobile.

2—RCR Wireless: VMWare is pursuing “a roadmap of cloudification.” They argue, “you need to be able to program your network.” The goal is declarative networking.

3—Smart Cities Dive: Microsoft will open a regional AI hub in Louisville, KY, investing in research and training where automation job losses could be severe.

4—RCR Wireless: Charter is planning a 200-node CBRS network in the Los Angeles area, testing out a variety of fixed and mobile network equipment.

5—MIT Tech Review: Amazon has developed two new, promising warehouse robots: Xanthus is an upgraded shelf-shifting bot and Pegasus is a new conveyer bot.


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Michael Wedd
IoT For All

I’m a Senior Editor at IoT For All. I focus on expanding the platform so that everyone can benefit from the IoT revolution.