Build Your First Custom Alexa Skill in 10 Minutes

No programming experience required.

Yitaek Hwang
IoT For All


Amazon Echo was one of the best-selling products and most asked for gifts last holiday season. While these devices are undoubtedly popular, recent reports on AI-powered voice assistants show that once the novelty rubs off, people don’t see much value in them. In fact, more than two-thirds of the Alexa skills have zero or one customer reviews, and just 3% of the users remain active on the app during their second week.

While these statistics point to the immaturity of the ecosystem, the continued popularity of the Echo suggests that users can find better uses for Alexa with the right custom skills — no need to wait until everything becomes Alexa-enabled (a trend we saw at CES 2017).

So here at Leverege, we decided to put together a simple Alexa skills kit tutorial for a custom skill that you may actually find useful.

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Yitaek Hwang
IoT For All

Software Engineer at NYDIG writing about cloud, DevOps/SRE, and crypto topics: