Can Machines Teach Machines To Drive Safely?

And 4 more top posts from the week, curated by the IoT For All Team

Isabel Harner
IoT For All
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3 min readMar 9, 2018


Smart Machines

šŸ¤– Can Machines Teach Machines to Drive Safely?
While just 35% of cars were connected to the internet in 2015, it is predicted that this number will reach a remarkable 98% by 2020 and 100% by the year 2025. Machine-to-machine (M2M) technology is one of the key ingredients to make the connected car future a safe one.

šŸ”ˆ 20% of Adults Have a Smart Speaker
A new report found that 20% of U.S. adults (thatā€™s 47.3 million people) have access to a smart speaker. The findings reflect the rise in popularity of voice assistants and connected, smart home devices. Theyā€™re expecting consumer adoption to grow about 50% this year, too.

šŸ™Š Voice Technology Thatā€™s More Human Than Human
Speaking of voice, advancements in voice technology, thanks to AI, have us wondering what the future of this technology looks like. Weā€™re on our way to beyond human-like voice technology. This article takes a look at what that future will look like.

Internet of Things

šŸ€ Do You Know the 4 Computing Types for IoT?
Are you familiar with the different computing types for IoT? This article provides the foundation for cloud, fog, edge, and MIST computing, and the differences between them. Which computing option is best for you and your product?

šŸƒ The Race to Develop 5G
Companies, and now whole countries, are racing to develop the next generation of wireless technology known as 5G. This week, the U.S. government weighed in on the potential Qualcomm acquisition by Broadcom, fearing that the partnership would leave room for China to win the race.


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Isabel Harner
IoT For All

Director of Marketing @ IoT For All, Leverege | Venture For America Fellow