CES 2020: Smart Tech and the Rise of AI

Shannon Lee
IoT For All
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4 min readJan 19, 2020

The latest podcast episode and best articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team.

Illustration: © IoT For All

CES 2020 Recap

Smart Tech Everywhere
After several days of exciting and educational conversations with exhibitors at CES, we are more confident than ever that businesses that fail to connect their products, people and services will be disrupted faster than they can fathom.

The Rise of AI & Personalized Wellness
Artificial intelligence, big data, and IoT, oh my! CES 2020 made a few things clear: partnerships are necessary for how we will build a connected future; personalized wellness is becoming a need to have instead of a nice to have, and AI is becoming less of a buzzword and more of an actuality.

This Week’s Podcast Episode

What Are LoRa and LoRaWAN?

Wienke Giezeman, CEO and Co-Founder of The Things Network, discusses what LoRa and LoRaWAN are, the role they play in the IoT connectivity space and how they are fueling the growth and adoption of IoT. Listen Now.

This Week’s Best Reads

What Is Satellite LPWAN?
Satellite LPWAN constitutes a direct connection between IoT devices and the telecommunications provider. As a network connectivity option, satellite excels in coverage but struggles in cost and throughput. Because of this, a satellite is best for sending mission-critical data from remote areas and is generally best coupled with other connectivity options.

Connected Cars: Challenges & Benefits
Due to the wide range of potential applications and technologies, Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies can improve operational performance on roads, leading to increased mobility and improved operations. While fully automated cars still have potential in the future, CVs are already impacting safety, security, mobility and convenience for consumers.

Networking Issues with IoT Devices & How to Avoid Them
IoT-enabled devices are a small subsection of digital transformation adoption. However, connecting these products to an organization’s already existing network isn’t as simple as a “launch and go” process. Looking to bring IoT devices into your daily operations? Consider these tips and tricks to maximize efficiency and avoid potential networking issues.

Five Things We’re Reading

1 — Engadget: Apple purchased Xnor.AI for an estimated $200 million. The startup focuses on low-power edge-based tools that allow AI and machine learning technology to work on devices instead of in the cloud.

2 —TechCrunch: Google announced several updates to its services for retailers at NRF this week. New services were also announced, including Google Cloud 1:1 Engagement for Retail which helps customers build data-driven solutions.

3 — RCR Wireless: Six of the largest telecom operators in the world (América Móvil, KT, Rogers, Telstra, Verizon, Vodafone) have formed the 5G Future Forum, dedicated to interoperability and adoption of 5G and mobile edge computing.

4 — Fierce Wireless: 5G Action Now, the lobbying group led by former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers is growing its team to promote policies to make the U.S. the worldwide leader in 5G.

5 — FedScoop: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is looking to finalize its Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) 3.0 guidance as soon as possible so pilots for new use cases, including IoT and zero-trust, can be added.

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