How IoT Is Impacting the Economy, Revamping Education and Transforming the Customer Service Experience

The best podcast episodes and articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team.

Michael Wedd
IoT For All
3 min readApr 12, 2019


Our Latest Podcast Episode

Ep. 022: How Is IoT Transforming the Customer Service Experience?

On this #AskIoT episode, we discuss how IoT has transformed the customer service industry, where and to whom to go to for support when devices malfunction and the significance of omnichannel communication. Listen Now.

Our Top Reads This Week

How IoT Impacts the Economy

It’s hard to measure the economic impact of IoT. We can look at the effect of IoT on GDP growth, growth distribution, labor markets, regulation and competition. IoT will undoubtedly boost economic growth by some key metrics (e.g. GDP). While these gains will largely benefit advanced economies, we can hope that developing economies will see substantial gains from strategic IoT adoption.

5 Smart Building Trends You Can Implement Now

Smart building technology can save you money and reduce your carbon footprint. This article guides you through five ways you can start taking advantage of it. Those ways include real-time energy monitoring and control, smart lighting and demand control ventilation. Buildings are coming alive through technology.

Internet of Things for the Classroom

Education needs to keep up with the increasingly tech-savvy emerging generations. IoT-enabled education solutions, from smart boards to school security applications, are allowing the education sector to transform itself for the future. However, two obstacles stand in the way: cost and security.

Five Things We’re Reading

1—MIT Tech Review: Alphabet’s drone division has launched its first public delivery service, enabling about 100 families near Canberra, Australia to ship local products.

2—RCR Wireless: WiFi 6, designed for high-density user environments, is gaining momentum. Boingo launched the first commercial trial at John Wayne Airport in California.

3—Utility Dive: Utility Dive argues that passing a robust federal “Grid Modernization Act” is the best way for the US to improve grid stability, efficiency and resilience.

4—Stacey on IoT: As the smart home market realizes the average user isn’t a tinkerer, Google and Amazon are becoming the go-to interfaces, but DIY options remain.

5—Geek Wire: Amazon reportedly plans to offer broadband access from orbit with a new 3,236-satellite ‘Project Kuiper’ constellation, bringing AWS beyond the clouds.


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Michael Wedd
IoT For All

I’m a Senior Editor at IoT For All. I focus on expanding the platform so that everyone can benefit from the IoT revolution.