How to Market an IoT Platform, MWC 9 Companies to Watch, AI for IIoT and Mandated IoT Security

Shannon Lee
IoT For All
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3 min readNov 1, 2019

The newest podcast episode and best articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team.

This Week’s Podcast Episode

How to Market an IoT Platform

Lisa Elenius Taylor, Head of Portfolio Marketing at Ericsson, discusses how to effectively market an IoT platform and how marketing in the IoT space differs from marketing in other industries. Listen Now

This Week’s Best Reads

MWC-Los Angeles: 9 Companies to Watch

The continued maturity of cellular IoT technologies and the launch of private LTE networks had the IoT industry buzzing at Mobile World Congress Americas. 2020 will finally be the year that large scale IoT deployments become more commonplace. Here are 9 companies at the forefront to watch out for.

AI for IIoT: How AI Will Take IIoT to New Heights

In the age of Industry 4.0, industries mostly rely on operational technology (OT) and their proficiency: manufacturing, supply chain, energy management and human resources. These operational processes can now be enhanced and taken to a whole new level of precision by combining AI and IIoT forces.

Is It Time for the Fed to Mandate IoT Security Standards?

With the IoT global explosion already well underway, and the equally powerful increase in damaging hacks set to follow, the question is a serious one: Is it time for the federal government to get involved in forcing device manufacturers to up their security game? As expected, there are arguments on both sides of the issue.

Five Things We’re Reading

1 — Fierce Wireless: Samsung and IBM developed a new platform that leverages AI and 5G to track worker health vitals for improved safety.

2 — Tech Crunch: Amazon, Google and Microsoft announced this quarter’s revenue numbers and continue to dominate the cloud infrastructure market.

3 —Fed Scoop: Following Microsoft being awarded the JEDI Contract, AWS may be considering a protest of the decision.

4 — ZDNet: Google Cloud announced its new Bring Your Own IP address capability that allows customers to migrate to the cloud without swapping IP addresses.

5 —Reuters: Nokia has hired 350 engineers to speed up its 5G development and better compete with Ericsson and Huawei.

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