Inside Today’s Connected Home Trends, Track and Automate Your Smart Home Devices, and Hitting Pause on IoT

The best articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team

Isabel Harner
IoT For All
3 min readSep 7, 2018


Smart Home

🔍 Inside Today’s Connected Home and Building Trends
A recent survey of 201 manufacturers working on smart home and office solutions revealed some of today’s market trends. When asked about the biggest obstacles they face, 50% of respondents indicated the challenging nature of delivering a UI that operates in a way that users expect.

🏡 How To Track and Automate Your Smart Home Devices
Brought to you by Datadog

Home Assistant is an open source platform that enables you to track the state of your home devices. Datadog takes the platform to another level by enabling you to aggregate, analyze, and monitor everything you do with Home Assistant. Learn more about the metrics you can track in your home in this article.

Internet of Things

Should We Slow Down on IoT?
Hackers have already been successful in targeting connected devices, and we’re seeing more warnings signs of a rush to bring products to market at the expense of security. Bruce Schneier, author of Click Here to Kill Everybody, argues that governments need to step in now to ensure cybersecurity, even at the risk of innovation in IoT.

🛠 The Most Powerful Data Visualization Tools for IoT Applications
As more companies incorporate data-driven initiatives into their operations, data visualization becomes increasingly important. This article shares some of the most powerful instruments in data visualization today — Power BI, Grafana, and Kibana — and helps you choose the right one.

🇧🇷 IBM Research, Brazil Announces the AgroPad IoT Prototype
IBM Research in Brazil announced a working prototype of the AgroPad, which could provide farms with the ability to analyze the chemical makeup of their soil and water with nothing more than paper test strips and a smart phone. Could this put an end to expensive and time-consuming lab tests?


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Isabel Harner
IoT For All

Director of Marketing @ IoT For All, Leverege | Venture For America Fellow