Internet of Everything vs. Internet of Things: What’s the Difference?

IoT For All
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3 min readJun 19, 2020

Episode #070 | Cellular’s Role and Future in IoT

In this episode of the IoT For All Podcast, Dima Feldman of Altair Semiconductor joins us to talk about everything Cellular IoT, including its biggest advantages, challenges, and how we’ll likely see the role of cellular change in the near future. Listen Now

This Week’s Best Reads

Internet of Everything vs Internet of Things: What’s the Difference?

Unless you’re an expert, there’s little difference between the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Everything (IoE). However, the latter term is broader, semantically. Read More.

Harnessing IoT at the Edge to Deliver the Autonomous Digital Enterprise of the Future

Organizations are turning to IoT and edge computing to accelerate business initiatives and deliver the autonomous digital enterprise of the future. Read More.

Four Ways to Transform Field Services Through IoT and Emerging Technologies

Companies are redefining the way they manage assets and equipment in the field, thanks to IoT and AI. Here are four ways Field Services is transforming through Emerging Technologies. Read more.

Five Things We’re Reading

1. Cyber-security experts have revealed 19 vulnerabilities in a small library designed in the 90s that has been widely used and integrated into countless enterprise and consumer-grade products over the last 20+ years. // ZDNet

2. IoT devices that enable physical distancing will become an integral part of reopening businesses, facilitating sales connections and embracing a different way of living. // TechCrunch

3. Amazon is deploying software in its warehouses to automatically warn employees when they’re too close to colleagues, the latest effort by the retailer to adjust its facilities to life with the coronavirus. // Bloomberg

4. The need to make rapid business decisions and to deliver solutions that meet the needs of customers, deliver continuous uninterrupted service, and rapidly evolve to their highest priorities has resulted in the need to integrate IT and OT through IoT. // ThreatPost

5. This cellular IoT farm storage tank level monitor eliminates the all-too-common problem of farms running out of fuel or fertilizer. // IoT For All

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