Introducing LPWANs and LoRaWAN, Securing IoT Networks with VPNs, and How IoT Can Improve Elder Care

The best articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team

Michael Wedd
IoT For All
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3 min readSep 28, 2018


IoT Connectivity and Security

What is LPWAN and the LoRaWAN Open Standard?

Have you heard the terms “LPWAN” and “LoRaWAN” without knowing exactly what they mean? This article provides a general introduction to LPWANs and their most popular network protocol: LoRaWAN. The piece then clarifies important technical features of LoRaWAN that make it great for some use cases and suboptimal for others.

How to Secure Your IoT Devices With a VPN

Cybersecurity is a major pain point for IoT network providers and operators. This article demonstrates how to secure IoT devices with a VPN. IoT lacks a standard and reliable security architecture, so the author argues that VPNs—long proven effective for the classical internet—can reinforce IoT networks at scale.

IoT Applications: From Energy to Elder Care

IoT Energy Applications: From Smart Vehicles to Smart Meters

“Utilities” may not sound like a buzzword. Nonetheless, IoT is quickly making the energy sector an exciting space. From smart metering to vehicle-to-grid solutions, the utilities are primed for reinvention. Energy solutions are now shifting toward not only drawing from but also giving back to energy sources.

How IoT Can Help With the Aging Population Problem

The world is still figuring out how best to care for aging populations whose life expectancies are only increasing. IoT has the power to enhance elder medical care. It can help ensure elders take medications properly and facilitate longer independent living. Let’s remember our elders while building the future.


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Michael Wedd
IoT For All

I’m a Senior Editor at IoT For All. I focus on expanding the platform so that everyone can benefit from the IoT revolution.