Introducing our Smart City Series, Refreshing Old Energy Grids with IoT, and Encrypting IoT systems

The best articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team

Michael Wedd
IoT For All
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3 min readOct 5, 2018


Toward a Smarter Society

What is a Smart City?

This article introduces IoT for All’s Smart City Series. It argues that Smart Cities are urban developments that dynamically meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to redesign for their own needs. Not unlike a smart city, the series will become a living and breathing document — a vision of the future that slowly unfolds.

New Energy: Smart Grid IoT Applications

This article presents two effective strategies for making energy grids smarter. First, standards-based protocols can help operators keep smart grid platforms updated. Second, leveraging preexisting grid infrastructure (e.g. fault detectors) enables operators to build smart grid IoT applications cost-effectively.

Miniaturization and Encryption

The Future of MEMS and IoT

Smartphones already contain numerous Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). But MEMS may also share a future with IoT applications. Their small form factor, cost-effectiveness, and low power requirements make MEMS ideal for IoT hardware innovation.

How Encryption is Powering the Future of IoT

Security is a major challenge to the deployment and management of IoT systems. IoT networks make available troves of data, some of which contains sensitive corporate and user data. Robust, standardized, and complete encryption protocols are the best way forward.


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Michael Wedd
IoT For All

I’m a Senior Editor at IoT For All. I focus on expanding the platform so that everyone can benefit from the IoT revolution.