đź”’ IoT Attacks, Hacker Motivations, and Recommended Countermeasures

IoT For All
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3 min readAug 14, 2020

Episode 078 | Grabango’s Ryan Smith | Machine Vision, IoT, and the Future of Retail

In episode 78 of the IoT For All Podcast, Grabango’s CTO Ryan Smith joins us to talk about the role of machine vision and IoT in the future of grocery stores, including some of the technology that makes their solution possible, the effect retail automation will have on employees, and where he sees the role of computer vision in the future. Listen Now

This Week’s Best Reads

IoT Attacks, Hacker Motivations, and Recommended Countermeasures

Robust IoT device security is crucial for a successful IoT solution. Understanding the vulnerabilities that hackers take advantage of, as well as their motivations, is the first step towards guarding your IoT solution against external manipulation. Read Article

Standardization: The Master Key to Unlocking the Full Potential of IoT

The potential of IoT is promising, however, as the market continues to expand, it’s crucial now more than ever to establish IoT industry standards. Read Article

The Edge vs. The Cloud: A Hybrid Approach for Manufacturing

As manufacturing companies move towards integrated IoT systems, a combination of edge computing with cloud computing will maximize a business’ potential for growth. Read Article

Five Things We’re Reading

1. Smart lock vulnerability reveals security concerns across a wide range of systems relying on MQTT. || TripWire

2. DARPA invests in encryption to secure IoT as conventional cryptography predicted to become obsolete. || Bloomberg Government

“To solve IoT security problems, it will take more than new tech. IoT solutions are the culmination of a global supply chain with dozens of companies providing different parts, services, and expertise. The company responsible for a security vulnerability is often far removed from the pain that’s felt, so there’s little incentive for them to change when additional security might increase costs or decrease speed-to-market. This is a market failure that leads to negative externalities and therefore needs to be addressed with regulation, not just new tech.”
- Calum McClelland, Head of Operations

3. 89 percent of polled retailers said robot assistance and real-time IoT platforms will be important to their operations in the next five years. || Future IoT

4. IoT and data science expected to boost foodtech and prevent waste post-pandemic. || TechCrunch

5. The new HaLow Wifi standard claims to extend wireless capabilities for the future growth of IoT. || Semiconductor Engineering

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