IoT Takes On Structural Health Monitoring, The Energy Requirements of Future Urban Growth, And Your Guide to Smart Home Ecosystem Options

The articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team.

Michael Wedd
IoT For All
3 min readJun 7, 2019


Illustration: © IoT For All

This Week’s Best Reads

How IoT Is Enhancing Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)

IoT provides value beyond visualization in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) by extracting insights at a massive speed and scale, often with the help of AI. IoT connectivity is enabling continuous monitoring solutions that extend structural lifetimes, improve safety and compliance and optimize operations.

Future Urban Growth and Its Energy Requirements

This article extends our Smart City Series, discussing design considerations for green cities. It argues that by leveraging a mix of passive and active solutions including housing retrofits, urban densification, development of smart grids and electrification of a shared autonomous vehicle pool, we can begin to meet the needs of our generation without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own.

Alexa vs. Assistant vs. HomeKit: Your Smart Home Guide

From Amazon Alexa to Google Assistant to Apple HomeKit, there are plenty of smart home ecosystem options — each with their own pros and cons as well as interoperability and privacy concerns. Let’s compare smart home ecosystems using the metrics of security, privacy and interoperability.

Five Things We’re Reading

1—Enterprise IoT Insights: Japanese tech giant Panasonic ramping up its smart factory solutions business in India, bundling solutions, services and hardware businesses.

2—Smart Cities Dive: Nearly a dozen local transit agencies have joined the Automated Bus Consortium, which plans to deploy 75–100 full-service autonomous buses.

3— RCR Wireless: Carriers and vendors are focusing on setting up private networks in support of industrial IoT (IIoT) projects, where data sovereignty is paramount.

4—Stacey on IoT: Apple announced the HomeKit router at its WWDC. It focuses on securing smart home networks and ensuring privacy.

5—MIT Tech Review: US regulators will investigate whether companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Google have too much power. Here’s an overview.


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Michael Wedd
IoT For All

I’m a Senior Editor at IoT For All. I focus on expanding the platform so that everyone can benefit from the IoT revolution.