IoT to the Rescue for Smart Buildings, New Connected Innovations for the Elderly, and Revolutionizing the Healthcare Supply Chain

The best articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team

Isabel Harner
IoT For All
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3 min readJul 27, 2018


Smart Homes & Buildings

💡 Help Wanted: Smart Buildings Need the Internet of Things
Calling all IoT innovators! Smart buildings are in need of some serious help. This burgeoning industry needs to create a mechanism that takes occupant feedback, quantifies how comfortable a tenant is, and then how that directly affects their productivity. This author is confident that IoT is the solution.

👵 New Smart Home Products for the Aging Population?
Nest is reportedly exploring new technology and products to serve the aging community. According to a CNBC report, the smart home device maker might soon unveil products that help people live longer independently and prevent life-threatening falls.

🏘 Smart Home Interference: What’s the Solution?
When there are dozens of wireless devices in a smart home, interference becomes unavoidable, dragging out response times and draining batteries. We can greatly reduce smart home interference by focusing on two types of devices: smart home hubs and whole-home Wi-Fi nodes.

Internet of Things

The Healthcare Supply Chain Needs a Tech Revolution
It’s time for the healthcare supply chain to advance technologically. Currently, there are fewer parts left to buy and hold in inventory and suppliers are driving old technology packages into end-of-life. The advice? Make product redesign an ongoing supply chain process. Here’s how to get started.

☁️ Google’s Big Announcements on IoT
At Google Cloud Next 2018, the company announced two initiatives to bring analytics and ML capabilities to edge networks and individual IoT devices. First, they’re extending their Cloud IoT platform to edge networking. Second, they’re making a tiny chip that can integrate into IoT devices and process data before it’s transmitted.


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Isabel Harner
IoT For All

Director of Marketing @ IoT For All, Leverege | Venture For America Fellow