Mitigating the Risks of Shadow IoT, Building Management Systems and Securing an IoT Solution

Shannon Lee
IoT For All
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3 min readSep 20, 2019

The best articles from this week, curated by the IoT For All Team.

This Week’s Best Reads

Shadow IoT: How to Mitigate Risk
Shadow IoT, the devices that IT and security departments are unaware of, poses a serious threat to enterprise networks. It’s essential to understand the dangers associated with shadow IoT, such as lack of security awareness and how to strengthen security to mitigate attacks.

IoT Meets Building Automation
IoT analytics reporting platforms can enhance the performance of building management systems (BMS), beyond mere optimizations by offering feedback on energy efficiency. Facilities managers who embrace these platforms will make better decisions and remain competitive.

Securing an IoT Solution? Start with the Network Layer
The network is now the focal point for IoT security. Although bringing together IT and security together can be a challenge, these teams must adapt to this new reality if enterprise networks and sensitive data are to remain protected while attackers continue to seek easy entry points.

Five Things We’re Reading

1 — Reuters: Oracle and VMware announced a partnership focusing on giving their customers maximal control over their cloud migration.

2 — Fortune: The global shift toward cloud-based societies in tandem with developing technologies will cause an increase in data center energy consumption.

3 — CNET: Michigan, Ohio and Virginia have been issued the first three grants for autonomous vehicle research from the US Dept. of Transportation.

4 — ZDNet: Research firm, ISE, found that in 12 out of 13 cases, the most popular routers and NAS devices contain vulnerabilities ultimately impacting millions.

5 — Enterprise IoT Insights: Ericsson has upgraded its Chinese factory that produces LTE and 5G radio equipment to fast track the deployment of 5G in China.

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