NB-IoT and Cat-M1 vs. Cat-1: How To Choose The Right LTE IoT Standard​

IoT For All
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2 min readApr 10, 2020

This Week’s Podcast Episode

Episode #060: Device Management’s Role in Scaling IoT Solutions

In episode 60 of the IoT For All Podcast, AVSystem Americas President William L. Yan joined us to talk about device management and its role in IoT, as well as how ensuring proper device management during development can streamline the process to scale an IoT solution. Listen Now

This Week’s Best Reads

NB-IoT and Cat-M1 vs. Cat-1: How To Choose The Right LTE IoT Standard​

Companies that need to deploy IoT globally can’t wait for Cat-M1 and NB-IoT to mature. Cat-1 is still the strongest option and will be for years to come.

How IoT Keeps Mine Workers Breathing Underground​

Although mining has been slow to adopt new technologies, IoT could be key to keeping miners in remote, underground sites safe.

WiFi for Enterprise IoT: Why You Shouldn’t Use It

Wifi is widely adopted meaning that there are plenty of options for sensors, carriers and expert support. But it’s still not the best option for your enterprise deployments.

Five Things We’re Reading

1. IoT startup Myriota raised $19.3 million to expand to 25 satellites in orbit by 2022. // TechCrunch

2. The MIT technology review wrote on the long term effects COVID-19 will have on the internet as we know it. // MIT Technology Review

3. Lessons learned in big data and machine learning could help us better prepare for the next global crisis. // The Bulwark

4. Cisco acquires Fluidmesh to bolsters its wireless IoT portfolio // Network World

5. Germany, Taiwan and now Google have all banned Zoom for official use following security concerns. // The Verge

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