The Difference Between a Regular Smartphone SIM and an IoT SIM for Enterprise

IoT For All
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3 min readJul 31, 2020

Episode #076 | Implementing IIoT in Manufacturing​

In episode #76 of the IoT For All Podcast, Swift Sensors COO, Ray Almgren, joins us to talk about some of the challenges of implementing IIoT systems in manufacturing, from establishing ROI to working with legacy systems. Listen Now

This Week’s Best Reads

The Difference Between a Regular Smartphone SIM and an IoT SIM for Enterprise

Despite looking identical on the outside, the features and functionality offered by regular SIM cards for smartphones differ vastly compared to IoT SIM cards, and using a made-for-enterprise SIM can save your business a lot of time and money. Read more.

How Can Technology Help Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues unfolding, technology solutions and government initiatives are multiplying to help monitor and control the virus’s journey. Their aid includes reducing the load on the health system and reinforcing the efforts of overworking and burned-out healthcare workers. Read more.

A Security Assurance Framework for Automotive

The main priority of any security standard is to make security a core part of the development process. Automotive systems need to be protected, so there should be an effort to do that by extending the existing quality systems. Read more.

Five Things We’re Reading

1. Verizon announced that its ThingSpace IoT platform, its 5G/LTE network, and its Critical Asset Sensor devices have all been integrated with Microsoft Azure. — Verizon

“Better tools and tighter integration from the major cloud and connectivity providers doesn’t hurt, but two components of successful IoT solutions still need to be addressed: easy business integration and a robust ecosystem of IoT devices. Right now these represent significant upfront costs that act as a barrier to wide-spread adoption. There’s big opportunity for companies that focus on packaging and delivering IoT solutions and/or on building low-cost, reliable IoT devices.”
- Calum McClelland, Head of Operations at IoT For All

2. Malware targeting Internet of Things (IoT) devices has risen to 20.2 million, up 50% from this time last year. — Tech Republic

3. IoT provides additional insights into how trucking and the supply chain industry have been affected by COVID-19. — Tech Republic

4. Airbus’ self-flying plane just completed successful taxi, take-off, and landing tests, opening the door for fully autonomous flight. — Business Insider

5. New government study finds that face masks are breaking common facial recognition algorithms. — The Verge

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