This Week’s Podcast Episode

Shannon Lee
IoT For All
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3 min readDec 13, 2019

What Does the Store of the Future Look Like?
Trevor Sumner, CEO of Perch, discusses how they are changing the physical retail industry, what the store of the future looks like and how retail jobs will be affected by new technology. Listen Now

This Week’s Best Reads

The Security Challenges of IIoT
Although IIoT adoption offers benefits ranging from automating and optimizing businesses to eliminating manual processes and improving overall efficiencies, security continues to be an afterthought. This article dives into some of the major challenges and how they are affecting the IIoT landscape.

Here’s What Bees Are Teaching Us About the Future of IoT
Swarm Robotics is an exciting field of practice inspired by the proliferation of IoT. Until recently, robotics technology had focused on creating advanced robots that worked alone. But now, thanks to insights drawn from the most unlikely of places, nature, the field of robotics is evolving into something much greater.

The 3 Easiest Ways to Enhance Home IoT Device Security
For the average user, it’s getting to the point that adding an IoT device to the home is akin to unlocking the front door and inviting strangers in. The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, there are three simple things that even novice users can do to protect the IoT devices being added to their homes.

Five Things We’re Reading

1 — Computerworld: Three-quarters of companies implementing IoT also adopted blockchain, but the two technologies won’t reach their full potential for 5–10 years.

2 — ZDNet: Panasonic has shared how it strengthens the security of its IoT devices by connecting them to internet honeypots allowing hackers to take over.

3 — Tech Republic: According to a new Ericsson Consumer Trends report, IoT devices will become “Internet of Senses” technology by 2030..

4 — Popular Mechanics: An AI startup successfully engineered the world’s first cross country self-driving freight truck trip from California to Pennsylvania.

5 — Washington Post: The US House Science Committee is seeking an investigation into how 5G could harm weather forecasting.

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