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IoT For All
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3 min readSep 4, 2020

The value of data democratization in Manufacturing

In episode 81 of the IoT For All Podcast, VP of Marketing for MachineMetrics Graham Immerman joins us to talk about data democratization and its role in manufacturing. He shares how companies are using data to improve ROI and some of the trends he’s seen in the IoT space, where data is concerned. Listen Now

This Week’s Best Reads

Treat Your Inner Developer to Hands-On IoT Training and Projects

When you consider our reliance upon digital collaboration, finding ways to upskill, be creative, and plug into the broader IoT community to get IoT training is essential. Read more.

IoT Retrofitting Becoming Another Popular B2C Application

IoT makes the reuse of old electronics devices not only simple but extremely relevant and the rise of IoT retrofitting has only just begun. Read more.

How Covid-19 Will Help Lead the Shift to AI-First Cybersecurity

While it’s too late to prevent the security impact of COVID, the time is ripe to leave inadequate security solutions in the past and adopt AI-First cybersecurity. Read more.

Five Things We’re Reading

1. Duke researchers hope to detect early signs of COVID-19 before symptoms appear by using smartwatches and other wearable fitness devices. || WRAL

2. Gartner expects liability for cyber-physical systems (CPSs) incidents will pierce the corporate veil to personal liability for 75% of CEOs by 2024. || ZDNet

3. Atmosic Technologies is teaming up with SMK Electronics to power connected devices like remote controls and sensors with a battery that do not need to be replaced. || BusinessWire

“The dream of no battery replacing/recharging is attractive, at scale replacing/recharging can be a significant cost to businesses. Yet to go from dream to reality, the details matter. Ambient energy harvesting is unpredictable and hasn’t been able to meet energy needs of asset tracking and remote monitoring use cases. Atmosic claims no use of ambient energy, instead “a known energy source that can be controlled”, but there isn’t more info. How often can devices send messages? Do they support over-the-air firmware updates? I want to believe the battery-free dream, but as always with IoT the specifics of implementation matter.​”
- Calum McClelland, Head of Operations at IoT For All

4. RealPage, a property management technology firm with over 12,200 clients worldwide, announced that it has acquired Stratis IoT, a startup that provides IoT services to the real estate industry. || TechCrunch

5. Get Wired takes a look at how data from smart speakers and other connected devices is used to solve crimes. || Wired

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