Using AWS IoT Things Graph to Enable Hardware Integration

IoT For All
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3 min readOct 9, 2020

The Future of the IoT Connectivity Landscape

In this episode of the IoT For All Podcast, Ericsson’s Head of IoT Strategy Rob Tiffany joins us to share his experience on the IoT connectivity landscape and the future of connectivity for IoT. Rob gives his predictions for the future of the IoT market, speaks to the global adoption of IoT, and shares some of the key considerations companies should be taking into account when thinking about connectivity early in their IoT journey. Listen Now

This Week’s Best Reads

Using AWS IoT Things Graph to Enable Hardware Integration
Despite the increased adoption of IoT, hardware integration remains a costly headache for developers. AWS IoT Things Graph can help. Read More.

Fueling Up for Autonomous Driving with Optimized Battery Designs
The central question for autonomous vehicles (AV) is whether only completely electric AVs should be made or if cars with hybrid engines can be produced also. Read More.

COVID-19 Accelerates the Need for Remote Health Consultations​
COVID-19 has impacted the increase in the utilization of remote health consultation applications and is preferred by many during the pandemic. Read More.

Five Things We’re Reading

1. Ttint is a new form of IoT botnet that also includes remote access tools-like (RAT) features, rarely seen in these types of botnets before. | ZDNet

2. A newly discovered botnet contains code that can wipe all data from infected systems, such as routers, servers, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. | ZDNet

3. Swarm’s new network of satellites is intended to provide low-bandwidth, low-power connectivity to “Internet of Things” devices all over the world, and the company just announced how much its technology will actually cost. | TechCrunch

4. Twilio, a service that lets developers access tools tied to phone networks, such as voice or text messaging, has unveiled an IoT platform that will handle security and connectivity for a set price over ten years. | Stacey on IoT

5. Microsoft announced it paid out $374,300 in bounties to researchers as part of a program to further solidify its Azure Sphere IoT security solution. | Virtualization Review

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