Wearables That Attach to Your Teeth, The Future of Location Technology, and Deep Learning in IoT

Top posts from the week, curated by the IoT For All Team

Isabel Harner
IoT For All
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3 min readMar 30, 2018


IoT for Better Health

😮 This Wearable Attaches Directly to Your Tooth
Engineers at Tufts developed a wearable diet tracker that attaches directly to your tooth to provide insights into your diet and health. The wearable tracker monitors the changing chemicals in your mouth and the intake of sugar, alcohol, etc. to monitor and evaluate your habits.

🏡 How Do You Use IoT in a Senior Home?
An Ontario-based chain of retirement homes is looking to the Internet of Things to better assist seniors with dementia. They’re implementing IoT solutions for asset tracking and patient whereabouts within the senior homes.

New Tech and Connectivity

🎹 5G + IoT = A Beautiful Noise
5G will intelligently understand the demands of users in real-time, dynamically allocating network resources depending on whether the connected device needs voice or data connectivity. It’s this kind of intuitive intelligence that sets the tone for 5G’s harmony with IoT.

🤔 NVIDIA and Arm Bring Deep Learning to IoT
This week, the two companies announced a partnership to bring deep learning technology to mobile, consumer, and IoT devices. The collaboration is focused on simplifying the integration of AI into IoT device and chip companies.

📍 The Future of Indoor Location Technology
The simplistic nature of Bluetooth beacons makes them a good fit for a number of use cases. However, the requirements of many applications have moved beyond what Bluetooth beacons can offer. Is there a better solution for providing more reliable, real-time accuracy?

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Isabel Harner
IoT For All

Director of Marketing @ IoT For All, Leverege | Venture For America Fellow