Will IoT Save the Environment?

And 4 more top posts of the week, curated by the IoT For All Team

Isabel Harner
IoT For All
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3 min readJan 5, 2018


IoT + 🌳 🌸 🐝

🐝 Will IoT Save the Environment?
IoT is being put to use to address different aspects of conservation and climate change such as preservation of biodiversity, prevention of deforestation and poaching, and data collection. Read some of the exciting ways that connected devices are helping catch illegal poachers, save the bees, and more.

🐮 Farming Smarter with IoT
The global population is set to reach 9.6 billion by 2050, and in order to feed this growing population, the farming industry has been embracing new technologies like IoT. IoT is enabling growers and farmers to reduce waste and enhance productivity in a number of ways. Read about them here.

IoT Security

😬 Big Vulnerability Exposed in Intel Processor Chips
A vulnerability has been discovered in all Intel processor chips, which could make affected computers 5–30% slower. It also poses a big security risk as well. On servers run by Google Cloud or AWS, hackers could break out of one user’s process, and see other processes running on the same shared server.

🔒 IoT Security in an Age of Insecurity
At an event held by New America, panelists spoke about IoT security and how we may go about addressing it. Susan Landau reframed our thinking about IoT security and argued that essentially, security is a means to an end: protecting consumers’ privacy.

💻 How Does Net Neutrality Impact IoT?
The debate over net neutrality has been a hot topic recently. This article takes a look at the potential consequences that the removal of net neutrality will have on the Internet of Things. Will IoT survive, and what will the industry look like without net neutrality?


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Isabel Harner
IoT For All

Director of Marketing @ IoT For All, Leverege | Venture For America Fellow