Your Intro to Cloud IoT Core

How to use Google’s Cloud IoT Core to quickly scale and deploy IoT solutions

Yitaek Hwang
IoT For All


Earlier this year, Google announced the offering of its fully-managed IoT device management service, Cloud IoT Core, to add to its suite of cloud platform services. We supported the public beta so we’ve had a few months to use it and learn.

What is Cloud IoT Core?

Before jumping into a sample architecture and demo we built at Leverege, let’s examine what Cloud IoT Core actually offers and when you might use it. Cloud IoT Core gives enterprises a fully-managed solution for securely connecting and monitoring/managing those devices globally. This means that devices can connect to the cloud via IoT Core, instead of being processed by a gateway/another platform and having it forward the data.

Aside from eliminating another layer of the deployment process, IoT Core adds security by default and helps funnel massive amounts of sensor data into its suite of data processing and analytics products. Google’s Cloud IoT Core also automatically takes care of load balancing and horizontal scaling as part of being on their serverless infrastructure. Lastly, if you’re already on the Android Things platform, the integration with IoT Core will help push out firmware and device update seamlessly.



Yitaek Hwang
IoT For All

Software Engineer at NYDIG writing about cloud, DevOps/SRE, and crypto topics: