IoT network

Understanding the Thread Protocol and Network

Building a Simulated IoT Network with Thread Protocol: A Step-by-Step Guide Using OpenThread and Docker

Kuldeep Singh


Understanding the Thread Protocol and Network

In previous articles, we explored MQTT in-depth, even setting up a web-based remote controller that simulated a physical button. We did this in a “soft IoT” way, avoiding hardware intricacies. However, in IoT, networking between devices plays a crucial role. Not all IoT devices are connected to the Internet or can communicate via MQTT over the internet, as shown in our earlier examples. These devices need a low-latency, low-power network that can auto-discover and manage device communication seamlessly. Popular protocols like Zigbee, Matter, and Thread are designed for this purpose. In this article, we’ll focus on Thread, discussing its fundamentals and building a virtual Thread network — no physical hardware required.

About Thread

Thread is a lightweight, low-power communication protocol for IoT devices. It operates on IPv6 and IEEE 802.15.4 mesh networking, providing secure, scalable, and reliable connectivity. Google’s OpenThread is an open-source implementation of the Thread protocol, widely used in smart home devices like Google Nest.

OpenThread also offers a simulation of network nodes, including roles like leader, router, and child nodes, with automatic adjustments when nodes go offline. The protocol allows for efficient network discovery and seamless router selection, ensuring continuous connectivity.

Learn more about node types and IPv6 addressing for Thread networks from the OpenThread Primer.

Creating a Virtual Thread Network

To see Thread in action, we’ll simulate a Thread network using Docker, creating virtual nodes that form a mesh network.

Step 1: Set Up Docker

First, download and install Docker Desktop. Then, pull the OpenThread image using the following command:

➜  ~ docker pull openthread/environment:latest 

Once the image is downloaded, run it in interactive mode with network administration capabilities and IPv6 enabled:

➜  ~ docker run --name codelab_otsim_ctnr -it --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 --cap-add=net_admin openthread/environment bash        

Step 2: Start an Emulated Thread Device

The OpenThread Docker image includes a pre-built binary called ot-cli-ftd, a command-line tool for creating emulated Thread devices.

root@a5cce65da408:/# cd /openthread/build/examples/apps/cli/
root@a5cce65da408:/openthread/build/examples/apps/cli# ./ot-cli-ftd 1

Next, assign a random dataset to the device, which includes a unique network ID, network keys, and a network name:

> dataset init new
> dataset
Active Timestamp: 1
Channel: 17
Wake-up Channel: 25
Channel Mask: 0x07fff800
Ext PAN ID: abf8abcc3dd0daaf
Mesh Local Prefix: fd16:2a3a:b22f:3dfe::/64
Network Key: 4084c92fe70f2d8968df19aa5de3cfe5
Network Name: OpenThread-4de8
PAN ID: 0x4de8
PSKc: bd48fa9ca97d01c2052e18951b312e25
Security Policy: 672 onrc 0

Now, bring up the interface and start the Thread network:

> dataset commit active
> ifconfig up
> thread start
> state

Check the device’s state — it should show as a “leader” in few seconds, indicating that this node has become the leader of the network.

> ipaddr

Note the IP address, as per the IPv6 addressing, ff:fe00 addresses are router locator (RLOC), while fd16:2a3a:b22f:3dfe:5f94:95df:d7e6:d730 is the end point indentifier (EID) for this node.

Step 3: Add Another Node

Now, let’s add a second device to the network. Open a new terminal and start a second instance of the Docker container:

➜  ~ docker exec -it codelab_otsim_ctnr bash
root@a5cce65da408:/# /openthread/build/examples/apps/cli/ot-cli-ftd 2

Ensure the new device uses the same network key and PAN ID as the first node:

> dataset networkkey 4084c92fe70f2d8968df19aa5de3cfe5
> dataset panid 0x4de8
> dataset commit active
> ifconfig up
> thread start

This device will initially join the network as a child node, and after some time, it will promote itself to a router.

> state


This creates the a Thread network of two nodes. In similar way you add more nodes. I added one more node with RLOC16 as 0xe000 (last 16 bit of Addr)

Step 4: Verify the Network

To check the network, use the router table command to verify that all router nodes are part of the mesh network:

> router table
| ID | RLOC16 | Next Hop | Path Cost | LQ In | LQ Out | Age | Extended MAC | Link |
| 11 | 0x2c00 | 56 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 86ca6d9800484c34 | 1 |
| 27 | 0x6c00 | 63 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1a0ea1f825619953 | 0 |
| 56 | 0xe000 | 11 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 4 | d2be59ce650916de | 1 |

You should see the RLOC16 (Router Locator) entries of each node in the table. Nodes can also communicate with each other by pinging their IPv6 addresses.

> ping fd16:2a3a:b22f:3dfe:0:ff:fe00:2c00
16 bytes from fd16:2a3a:b22f:3dfe:0:ff:fe00:2c00: icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=4ms
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received. Packet loss = 0.0%. Round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4.0/4 ms.

You may try adding more nodes in similar way. You may also create emulated device of type MTD (Minimal Thread Device) using command “ot-cli-mtd”, and this can act as child only, it would not be promoted to router. Follow all similar steps to get in on the same network.

root@a5cce65da408:/# /openthread/build/examples/apps/cli/ot-cli-mtd 4

I have added a node 4 using this, and it got linked to router node 3.

Now let’s test the network behaviour.

Step 5: Simulate Network Behavior

Now, let’s test how the Thread network behaves under different conditions:

  • Node Failure: If one node goes down, another node will take over its role. For example, if the leader goes offline, one of the other routers will be promoted to leader.
Node 1 down

Node 1 — disabled

> thread stop
> state

Node 2 — downgraded to a child

> state
> state

Node 3 — promoted to leader

> state
> state

Node 4 remains as child.

Similarly we can try stopping node 3 as well, it would cause node 2 to become router again, and attach node 4 to node 2. Its IP addr also chances as per the IPv6 addressing for childs

Node 3 down
  • Node Rejoining: When a node re-joins the network, it first attaches as a child node and may later promote itself to a router as needed.
> thread start
> state

This demonstrates how Thread’s self-healing capabilities ensure the network remains stable and operational, even when nodes go offline or rejoin. Additional features, like configuring authentication, making Leader as a Commissioner to control which devices can join the network, provide further customization. For more in-depth guidance, refer to the codelab.


This article introduced the fundamentals of the Thread protocol and demonstrated how to create a virtual Thread network using Docker. We saw how Thread’s mesh networking ensures robust and dynamic device communication. In the next tutorial, we’ll extend this setup with real hardware and explore how to connect a Thread network to the web for broader accessibility.

In future articles, we’ll explore how IoT connects with the broader internet ecosystem, and shaping up it’s practices, and its role in the emerging metaverse. In Chapter 4 of my book 📕Exploring the Metaverse, I discuss how IoT will shape our connected future, and XR devices are the evolved IoT.

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