A new pricing for *starnames

Starname Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2020

Finding the right price for a product is rarely easy, especially for a new product. Recently, we did a user survey and we asked our users for their opinion. We found out, and it’s not a surprise, that they have very diverse opinions on this topic. While most users were happy with the current price of €20, some were willing to pay €40 or more for their favorite starname, and others would have priced it only at a few euros.

So we did two things.

We listed a few thousand very well known names, like famous trademarks, and blocked them for now, until we find a good way to sell them at the right price or the right owner. We are giving away for free some of these starnames to NGOs and to our partners.

We decided to change our pricing of the starname, based on the number of characters. Longer starnames are not necessarily bad, particularly if it’s your family name, your company name, or some name you like, but shorter names are easier to remember and to type, more convenient and, on average, more valuable.

Starting from today, here is the new pricing for the next 500 names:

  • “IOVname” branded with *iov (like clarissa*iov) : free on request (register here: iov.one and send a message on our chat support)
  • “Basic” 7+-letter starname: €7
  • “Regular” 6-letter starname: €23
  • “Premium” 5-letter starname: €72
  • “Exclusive” 4-letter starname: only on auction on OpenSea. All the proceeds will go to NGOs fighting covid19: https://opensea.io/assets/starnames. Names on auction will be released by batch. Let us know here on our telegram https://t.me/internetofvalues what name you will like to auction next for a chance to win a 4-letter starname.

We continue to monitor sales and see where the customers are going. As always, we are open to your feedback and willing to take the best decision to make starname the best product when it comes to human readable address and make crypto-payment easier and safer. Join us on our telegram here:


