AMA Community Call #8 — RECAP

Starname Updates
Starname Blog
Published in
7 min readMar 30, 2021

Check out what was discussed during our last Community Call!

March 26th was Starname day again and that means AMA!
You can watch the recording here or proceed to read our written recap. 😉

This was the AMA’s agenda:

  • Universal access — free and easy access to blockchain technology
  • A New Economy
  • The New Tokenomics
  • Community’s questions

Universal access

Our market has grown and today we are targeting 2 billion people! Yep, that is a lot of people and is also nearly the number of Gmail users around the globe.

The Gmail sign in + the use of GDrive storage are the two new features of our app, the Starname Manager (now on staging, but soon available for all!).
From now on we can say that anyone who has a Gmail account can easily get into the crypto world by logging in as you will do with any other platform that allows the use of Gmail for authentication.

During the AMA we have shown a 📽️ demo video to illustrate these 2 simple steps to log in with Gmail (again: coming soon on our web!):

• Once on the Starname Manager, click on Continue with Google — a pop-up will be prompted so you can choose the account you’re using to sign in and….

• … you’re logged into the crypto universe!✨

If you wish, you can continue and get a free starname in exchange for a simple tweet.
This is what you will need to do:

  • Once logged in, on the welcome screen, click on the button that says Continue.
Pick your name and tweet!
  • Type the starname you wish to register and check its availability;

Green notification? You can have the starname you picked! Then proceed to:

Tweet the message and get to your starname’s profile
  • Type your Twitter handle;
  • Copy the message to be tweeted;
  • Go to your Twitter account and tweet the message;
  • Go back to the Starname Manager and click on Create;
  • … you will be taken to the edit screen of your brand new starname!

A New Economy of Creators

The development of our product is inserted in the vision we have for Starname: the payments possibility is just the first functionality inserted in a broader context. Easy access to Starname and to our service — and, by extension, the USDC integration and the possibility of invoicing in crypto — is a huge step towards normalizing crypto transactions and inviting more people to consider joining the blockchain world.

Starnames are unique and an NFT for their proper nature. Due to their architecture, they can be used to embed additional information and unique values, such as digital art pieces and any data related.

With a more defined business model focused on starnames and with the payments feature already structured and integrated with a number of chains, IOV SAS, the company behind Starname, is modernizing its tokenomics.

The New Economy comes with a modernized tokenomics, which means some token burns for the upcoming months and 0% inflation after Stargate lauch.
The first $IOV burn already happened last month and for the upcoming ones, you can check more details here.

Here are the Community’s Questions replied during the AMA:

1. Will there ever be a Starname official Discord channel? Also, would you ever create a Discord and Reddit bot for starname so crypto could be easily sent to people on those platforms?

We are not planning at this time to add an extra communication channel. However, speaking of easily sending crypto using starnames, it will soon be a reality in Twitter and Telegram thanks to the Sputnik bot integrating them.

2. What is your take on a twice a month/monthly community use case brainstorm?

We think it’s a great idea and Gabriela will happily set up this conversation. A monthly one seems to be a reasonable occurrence.

3. What other features are you going to implement to reach the network effect? (IMHO, Starname can become an alternative decentralized digital ID service. From the mass adoption perspective, this feature is more disruptive than a simple address name service.)

We totally agree with what you say. So much we actually covered it during this AMA. Good to see that we are all on the same page!

4. Would you ever consider combining the agnostic wallet of Starname with a social media that the starname team themselves create?

Well, that’s a tall order. I guess that with an infinite budget we probably could, but we have to pick and choose what will drive the adoption of our technology. The middle ground approach here is to integrate with large social media platforms as much as we can. We’ve been working with the Sputnik team and these guys are doing a great job in integrating our tech.
You can already send IOV tokens (or any other integrated token as a matter of fact) to a Telegram or Twitter user with a simple chat line and soon you will be able to do that with a starname.The recipient doesn’t even need any wallet whatsoever. The tokens will be held on Sputnik until the user accesses them.
We are also working on integrating with Instagram, but at a lower level, just to link your Instagram account to your starname to further authenticate your digital identity.

5. Will it be possible to use starname when buying crypto from exchanges? If not, then does starname only work between individuals who both have starnames? + Any plans for integration with centralized and decentralized exchanges in the use of IOV? How?

Yes, it would be possible but the exchange has to integrate our technology first so it recognises the starname as a valid recipient address to send the tokens. We are not pursuing this now as there is little benefit for exchanges.

As for P2P transfers, both users don’t need starnames. If you don’t have a starname you can still send crypto to someone using their starname.

Starnames come with a perk that is the Starname Profile. You can share your profile and, if the name service is supported by the wallet the sender is using, the recipient’s starname can be used. Otherwise, your crypto info is also displayed and the sender can connect to other wallets to proceed with the transaction. Check this video to see Starname Profile and MetaMask.

6. What’s starname’s plans to integrate with other wallets like Atomic,Exodus and Cosmostation? Would be important to integrate a big popular wallet/application/exchange for adoption: Swissborg, Binance, etc.

Cosmostation has already integrated our service. For exchanges like Binance, we just don’t have the market cap to get on their radar yet. That’s why we are focusing on use cases to appreciate our token and looking at ramping up communication.

7. With the Stargate update coming and allowing blockchains to integrate, has the team found any other blockchains where they could integrate together?

We’ve had talks with OpenSea in this regard. Despite the fact that OpenSea isn’t part of the Cosmos ecosystem, they expressed interest in integrating starnames into their marketplace.

8. Where/how is the one to many mapping of starname to wallet address stored? I am trying to figure out: Whether storage is decentralized; If this mapping, in theory, can be hacked; If someone can look up my wallet addresses by looking up my starname;

The mapping is stored on-chain, which makes it decentralized and as difficult to hack as in any other blockchain. Security is obviously one of the key benefits. And like most other blockchains, all on-chain info is public.

9. Do you have plans to create a mobile app? Easy to use, with a few buttons with the balance of all addresses and the ability to send and receive crypto.

We dabbled in our free time with an iOS app to evaluate this versus just having our app responsive. There are pros and cons for sure. Typically, it’s nicer looking but demands support for a new platform, so it’s resource intensive.
We’re still evaluating, it will depend on how it plays with our next use case.

10. If developers from a new coin/token want their coin/token added to starname, how much work is this? Can they do it completely on their own or does it require work from the Starname team?

Usually nothing’s easy when it comes to blockchain but not this time.
There is no limit in the assets supported in the Starname Manager, and we are adding new ones every time it is required. Anyone can request an asset addition by making a pull request to our GitHub repo.

11. In some chains, like Avalanche, the deposit address changes on every deposit. Would that be possible with Starname?

Yes. It’s possible. It’s a nice feature from Avalabs (we love that team by the way) but it’s not a privacy guarantee as even though they change, you can always use a previous address to send coins. They remain attached to your wallet.

12. How many validators can support IOV?

The validator set has a maximum of 16 validators.

Thank you for reading up to this point and see you again on April 26th!

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