AMA Community Call #6 — RECAP

Starname Manager launch and Uniswap 🦄 listing announcement

Starname Updates
Starname Blog
2 min readNov 20, 2020


Yesterday we held our 6th AMA and, if you missed it, here we are to keep you up to date! ✔️

The AMA video is available on our channel and below you can read about the main topics of the call.

Soft-Launch of the Starname Manager

The ✨Starname Manager was launched during the AMA with two demos! Our app was thought to simplify even more dealing with starnames and $IOV — and now you can manage all that safely in only one place.💫

With Starname Manager, you can register starnames, edit them, transfer them, set up crypto-profiles, make $IOV transfers and buy $IOV with a credit card.

To log into the Starname Manager, you can use either Ledger or Keplr Chrome extension for now. Alternatively, “View Only Mode” allows you to check your account, but authentication is needed for any changes or transactions you want to do.

📌 Demo of the Starname Profile: Receive crypto without the need to do copy/paste!

📌 Demo of how to register a starname

In case you need any instructions 🔧, check here for logging in with Keplr and check here if you would like to use Ledger.

Starname Metrics — coming soon!

We have the infrastructure to persist blockchain events in a SQL database! 📏This database will allow us to perform analysis and point to our most effective business and marketing initiatives related to starname adoption. These metrics are a big step for business development and a great asset to achieve our goal of starname mass adoption.

We will be able to see the metrics (and looking forward to it!) of the event when the delegators awards from starname related fees exceed the inflation-based rewards. About delegating, we were reminded that is important to delegate to any of our top validators, except for the number one. Why? That is because we want to spread the security out across all the validators on the chain. 🌬️

Uniswap 🦄 Listing on December 10th

After our first listing on Bilaxy, we are now going to an important decentralized exchange for its daily volume and traction: Uniswap🎉

Uniswap is a decentralized exchange protocol open-source software with no order books or any centralized party to make trades — users can trade without intermediaries. 🙌This is a big step for us and our marketing strategy for Uniswap will be combined with the marketing for our product itself.

