Everything you always wanted to know about… Starname

We are starting a new series of articles in which we answer your questions! 💥

Starname Updates
Starname Blog
3 min readDec 18, 2020


Based on the questions we are asked and considering someone’s doubts can be someone else’s doubts, we decided to start an “Everything you always wanted to know about …” series 😊.

For this series, we will release articles organized by topics replying to the community's questions we have compiled.

This is part one, so six questions about Starname: the name service, some specific details about the product and its apps.

Hope this can be enlightening somehow. 😉
To be continued!

1. Could you give us all the possible different uses of starname with some examples? Do you have some videos regarding this?

We are still exploring all the use cases, and the blockchain industry is still young so many ideas are still early. However, the clearest and most immediate way to use the starname is to make the peer to peer payment easy and without any middleman, for freelancers, NGOs, gift pools, etc. Like a blockchain based version of PayPal.me, for example. You can check this simple demo video for a freelancer use case.

2. Explain how starname basic edition is different from Starname premium edition?

A starname basic edition is a starname that ends with *iov or *cosmos (such as john*cosmos or john*iov).
A starname premium edition is you choosing the right-hand side of the name, like *funnyname. Once you own a starname premium edition, you can also register names on the left side of it, for example, bob*funnyname.
Registration and renewal fees differ for basic and premium names, but the functionality of the service is the same for both categories.

3. How long can the character string be both as total and in premium *myname?

The right part of the * can be up to 32 characters long (letter, number and -), and the left part can be up to 63 character long (letter, number,- and . ). Starnames are case insensitive, meaning *MyNaMe is the same as *myname.

4. Will Starname Manager charge a fee over and above the $IOV required for each transaction? Or will the use of Starname Manager cost the same as it would cost to directly interact with the blockchain?

Starname Manager gives your direct access to the blockchain, at the same cost that you would pay from anywhere.

At the moment, the gas price is hardcoded to 2 IOV to make sure that the transaction is processed quickly, you might get it below 2 IOV if you try on other apps (like Cosmostation or CLI) but this won’t be much different and this gas fee goes to the network.

In any case, there is no extra fee charged by the Starname Manager.

5. Are you planning to make some kind of a dApp where users could be able to have a “Starname friendlist”, and be able to easily send transactions, messages or pictures to them (such as Facebook or Twitter), or might this be implemented in already existing wallets?

Definitely, the social aspect is very interesting, and we are thinking about it. We are releasing the Starname Profile now on starname.me, and we are working on various routes to achieve what you are mentioning. The intersection of payment and social is definitely interesting.

6. The vast majority of crypto projects are built just for the sole purpose of amassing wealth for themselves. What is the value you aim to add to the crypto industry that will bring greater abundance to the industry?

Our mission is to make it easy for everyone to use crypto and share the wealth it brings to the world. We are envisioning a future with many chains, and we are helping people to manage their blockchain identity and deal with address complexity. That is why we have launched the Starname service on its own blockchain and that rewards are distributed to all participants involved in operating the service.

In addition, we are working on integrating this Starname into an app, so that the value delivered fits for specific use cases, without middlemen taking fees like in traditional peer to peer payment. The road is long but we are on our way!

