February 2020 - IOV’s update

Starname Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2020

Finalisation of the Starname module

A lot of work has been done into launching the Starname Version 2.0 module of the IOV Name Service. You can follow the progress of the Starname module on the GitHub repo in the folder:


Once active, it makes it possible to buy all types of Starnames (not only the IOV Starnames, ex: clarisse * iov), but also the premium Starnames ex: * mysupercoolname, as well as the business Starnames associated to them, ex: alice * mysupercoolname. You can check the difference between different types of Starnames here: http://help.starname.network/en/articles/3427171-what-is-a-starname

It will go into production in the coming weeks.

Improvement of documentation to integrate the Starname into Wallets

Integrating the IOV Starname in a wallet has never been easier! You can check our latest documentation site: https://docs.iov.one/docs/intro.html

A new Golang module has been written to provide a REST API for Starname here: https://github.com/iov-one/bns

We open a channel on the Cosmos discord chat

Feel free to join us here: https://discord.gg/982W2JK

What’s next

Associable crypto-addresses

Up to now, compatible blockchain protocol was IOV, Ethereum, and Lisk. A new version of Neuma will be published this week and will allow to register an IOV Starname and to associate several new types of crypto-addresses such as:

  • Bitcoin
  • Litecoin
  • Cosmos
  • Irisnet
  • Terra
  • Kava

IOV will be present at several events in February and March 2020 in Paris.

Antoine Herzog will talk about the IOV Name Service in Paris on Thursday February 20, 2020:


Antoine Herzog will also give a talk about the UCRegistry initiative at the EthCC on March 3, 2020:


Starname pre-registration site to reopen on Thursday February 20th, 2020

The Starname network site which allows pre-registration of Starnames will reopen on February 20th, 2020. All those who have pre-registered a premium Starname will also be able to get a free IOV starname, so that you will be able to use now!

Stay tuned for more updates on our telegram: https://t.me/internetofvalues

