*fet *starname — COMMUNITY BADGES

Starname Updates
Starname Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2021

We are happy to continue to connect with other crypto communities and we now release *fet as a community badge for Fetch.ai!🥳

Fetch.ai is delivering AI to the crypto economy. Autonomous Economic Agents, powered by artificial intelligence, provide automation to decentralized finance that can serve the needs of a single user or aggregate millions of data points for on-chain oracles. These agent-based systems provide greater flexibility, speed, and crypto-economic security than existing layer-2 solutions and represent the future of decentralized finance. The Fetch.ai technology enables the creation of personalized agents that maintain user’s DeFi positions using decentralized and non-custodial protocols to increase the security and convenience of crypto asset management.

The Fetch.ai network is an interchain protocol, based on the Cosmos-SDK, and uses a high-performance WASM-based smart contract language (Cosmwasm) to allow advanced cryptography and machine learning logic to be implemented on chain. This also allows the Fetch.ai network to serve as a layer-2 network for Ethereum and as an interchain bridge to the rest of the blockchain world.

Use-cases powered by FET token and Fetch ecosystem projects:
1. Fetch network
2. Agent-based Automated DeFi Asset Management
3. AI-generated NFTs
4. Mobility

Industry Partnerships:
1. Catena-X, next generation manufacturing
2. FESTO, agent-based supply chain.
3. Bosch, decentralized predictive maintenance

Starname believes in the Cosmos’ projects integration in which every project is fulfilling its part of the mission while supporting each other and making sense altogether!

If you are a Gmail user, you can now register for free your *fet *starname!

  • Go to the Starname App and login with your Gmail account.
  • Go with the flow to claim your *starname: type the name you wish, pick *fet domain from the drop-down list, register it, and…. it’s yours!
  • You can now set up your *fet starname and link it to your wallets using the Starname App so you can start sharing your *fet *starname and receiving crypto through it!

Each *starname comes with a Starname Profile, which is a simple way you can share the crypto information you would like to share! You can use the *starname in the apps the Starname Service is integrated (Cosmostation Mobile App, Request Invoice Service and Sputnik Bot for now), alternatively, the Starname Profile can be used as a payment interface or a way to share your crypto addresses too. Ready to experience blockchain in a simple way and praise your crypto community? Share your *fet *starname!

About Starname
Starname is an asset name service and the best way to claim your part of the blockchain to use for decentralized identification, payments and ownership.
Website | Twitter | Telegram

About Fetch.ai
Fetch.ai is a next-generation protocol that enables a digital world where Autonomous Economic Agents can perform a proactive economic activity. With unrivaled performance and scalability, Fetch.ai is the missing critical infrastructure for tomorrow’s digital economy.
Website | Twitter | Telegram

