Get your *starname

We explain here how you can easily create yours!

Starname Updates
Starname Blog
4 min readSep 20, 2022


A *starname is your decentralized identity, your multi-chain name on the blockchain. You can link many wallets to a name you create in the premium format (*name) or in the basic format (name*community).

Starname is multi-chain because you can link wallets from over 50 chains to your *starname, but this list is ever growing! If you don’t see the chain you’re looking for, you can reach out to us, or open a PR on GitHub and it will be added. 😉

Wallets that can be linked to your *starname

Basic and Premium Starnames

Basic and premium names differ in the format and in the fact that you can add accounts to your premium domain.
For example, if you have a premium *name, you can have premium accounts like: this*name, another*name and also_this*name.

The functionality of premium and basic domains is the same and each starname (basic domains, premium domains and premium accounts!) gets a unique customizable Starname Profile like this one : you choose the info you want to share.✨

Check possibilities and register your *starname!

You can quickly check if the *starname you want is available using the look up purple box on

You can check on if you can register the name you want

Or you can also log in to the Starname App to check the *starname you want to have!

The Starname App

On the Starname app you can register and manage your *starname easily. You can log in with Gmail, however clicking on “more login options” you will see you can log in using Ledger, Keplr wallet or even get a mnemonic (secret words) to unlock a wallet for you on the spot.

These multiple login possibilities were thought to make the process simpler — you can pick the best way for you.

It’s important to say your *starname doesn’t need to be in your main wallet because it is a pointer to your wallet(s). You can set it up to point to the wallets you want. That said, you can have it on an independent wallet if you wish.

Once you’re logged in, you’ll be on the Starname Manager screen. Here you can check the availability of the *starname you want and its price. Just type it in and the app will tell you if it’s available, or not. Remember you can use small case letters and/or numbers and “_”. Anyway, if you pick any invalid character, the app will tell you. ✅
Premium names are priced considering the number of letters. The smaller the name, the more expensive it will be.

Premium names prices start at 70 IOV for *starnames of 6+ letters. Basic names, a.k.a “community names”, have a fixed price, with fees, of 1,24 IOV.

Starname Manager, within the Starname App

You will need some IOV on the wallet you are using to register your *starname. Clicking on the menu up right, you will see you can go to the wallet within the Starname App, where you can see your wallet info plus the buttons to send and receive IOV.

The wallet within the Starname App

Got your *starname?

Once your *starname is registered, it will be displayed on the Starname Manager screen and next to each name you will see the option to manage them. Clicking on “Manage”, this is what you’ll see:

This is how you can manage your *starname!

Starnames have an annual renewal fee (equivalent to its buying price plus 1 IOV per account added to a premium domain, if it’s the case) and a grace period of 30 days. Starnames that are not renewed become available to be registered again after the grace period.

Starnames sales and renewals fees are the main blockchain revenue, which is distributed to delegators and validators.

And this is it! Share your *starname or your Starname Profile to receive crypto!

Starname Service is integrated into the Starname App, Sputnik Network bot and Cosmostation Wallet Mobile App! You can get the Cosmostation App on Google play or App Store.

Any questions you have, please reach out to us on Telegram or Discord.

Starname is an asset name service and the best way to claim your part of the blockchain to use for decentralized identification, payments, and ownership.

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