How to Stake your IOV Tokens and get Rewards

Benjamin Simatos
Starname Blog


If you own IOV Tokens, you can delegate all or part of them to your selected Validator(s).

There are currently 2 ways to delegate your IOV Tokens:

  • For non-Ledger users, Cosmostation mobile app
  • For Ledger users, our Big Dipper block explorer
  • For tech savvy users, the CLI is always available

Important: when delegating your tokens, please be mindful to keep a few tokens available and not delegated. They will be necessary to pay for the fees to claim your rewards and undelegate your tokens. The fees are set by each validator for every transaction, and are displayed at the time of confirming the transaction. At the time of writing, the fees are in the order of 1 IOV token or less per transaction; you only need to keep a few IOV Tokens in your wallet to be able to Undelegate and Claim rewards.

Important 2: Delegating tokens has some risks depending on the validator you pick. If the Validator misbehaves or fails to properly validate blocks, part of the tokens you have Delegated to the Validator might be slashed. For more details about slashing conditions, you may refer to Cosmos SDK slashing mechanism as described here.

Cosmostation — Mobile App

The easiest way to delegate is through the Cosmostation mobile app:, make sure you have version 1.3.16 or later.

For Android on Google Play

For iOS on App Store

How to: Once on the Cosmostation app, choose to import your wallet using the 12 or 24 words you used to create your IOV address. You should then see your IOV token balance. You can simply click the “Delegate” button and select your Validator(s), confirm and… voila! If you need further instructions, you can check a step-by-step guide here.

A screenshot of the Delegate UI from Cosmostation on Android

If you have any question, you can ask them on our Telegram or on Cosmostation Telegram

For Ledger user: Big Dipper

If you own a Ledger Nano S or a Ledger Nano X, you can now use our Big Dipper block explorer to do transactions and Delegate your tokens.

Once you have connected you Ledger Nano S or X to your computer, you can click on the key icon on the top right of the Big Dipper page:

You will then be asked to confirm the connexion to your Ledger and your address will be imported. By clicking on it you can see you account

You won’t stop at this screen if the connexion with Ledger works, it will directly to to the signed in state as follows
That’s it, you are identified in Big Dipper and ready to do transactions!

Once you are logged in with your Ledger, you can click on your address and you can now:

  • Send transaction with the Transfer button
  • Claim rewards with the Withdraw button

You can Delegate by clicking on the Validators tab and clicking on the Validator of your choice, for exemple Forbole:

and open the Delegation window by clicking on the Delegate button

and signing the transaction on your Ledger Nano S or X. Voila!

Note: If you are a technical and set up for Go, you can use the CLI directly to delegate and do transactions on the IOV Name Service. The repo is: and the documentation is:

If you are interested in the economic review of the IOV Name Service and the IOV Name Economy, you can read this article.



Benjamin Simatos
Starname Blog

Working on giving better access to the world’s values.