If you are an IOV Token holder, please read carefully below what you need to do before our migration to the Cosmos SDK

Starname Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2020

Starting from today, if you are an IOV token holder, you need to log into Neuma Wallet. If you are in the genesis file and you already have an iovname then this process should be fairly simple because the mnemonic (12 words or 24 words) you created on the IOV Name Service will stay the same after the migration.

However, you need to follow a simple procedure in order to generate a “star1” prefixed address for the Cosmos SDK-based chain.

Call To Action

If you don’t have a ledger, please follow carefully the steps below:

If you don’t have the Neuma Chrome Extension, you can download it here:


Then open the chrome extension

  1. You need to select Import Wallet
  2. Enter your mnemonic (12 Words) into the Neuma Chrome Extension
  3. You should see your IOV Token balance in the Chrome extension

Once it is installed, go here:


  1. Click Login with Neuma Browser Extension
  2. Click on the Neuma Chrome Extension, click Get Identities Request then Accept
  3. If you have already an ioname (all IOV Token holder from genesis has an iovname like john*iov), you should see the screen to upgrade your account:
  4. Click Upgrade
  5. Click on the Chrome Extension, click Sign Request then Accept
  6. Youhou! You should be all set!
  7. If you don’t already have an iovname, just create one iovname, and you should be all set!

If you have ledger, please follow carefully the steps below:

Ledger users must use the Starname Network Address Generator to create their star1 address. The address generator is open source and can be run in an air-gapped mode, so be assured that it is secure. Ledger users must send 1 IOV token to:


Make sure you include your star1 address in the memo.

The combination of sender and memo provide the association between your iov1 and star1 addresses.

Fees paid by IOV

IOV’s Call To Action involves IOV token holders incurring a small cost. In order to cover the cost, IOV will send back IOV Token during the migration to cover this cost.


The sooner IOV token holders associate their legacy iov1 address to their new star1 address the sooner IOV tokens will be exchange listed, so please heed our Call To Action.

If you have any questions, you can chat with us here:


