Integration Announcement: Band Protocol

Starname Updates
Starname Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2020

We are happy to announce the integration with Band Protocol, the cross-chain data oracle platform.

Band Protocol’s integration into Starname comes in two ways: BAND price oracles for starname prices and BAND tokens into the list of assets supported by the Starname Manager.

BAND price oracles and starname prices

Band Protocol will provide secure, real-time and cross-chain price feeds for over 12+ foreign exchange rates starting with the Euro for the IOV token. Other supported currencies include GBP, CNY, SGD, KRW, JPY, INR, RUB, CHF, AUD, BRL, CAD, HKT and USD. Oracle solutions such as BAND’s could be seen as tentacles (that are actually a network of decentralized validators) that will reach out for reliable data in the real world and bring it to the blockchain.

Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle platform that aggregates real-world data to smart contracts, which enables applications such as DeFi, prediction markets, and games to be built on-chain without relying on the single point of failure of a centralized oracle. The decentralized oracle network uses BandChain, a high-performance blockchain built purely for oracle computations to accommodate user-defined data requests and support various data oracles on multiple blockchains. Band Protocol is already integrated on leading blockchain networks including Binance Smart Chain, Cosmos, Ethereum, ICON, Waves, Nervos, Elrond and more.

Without Band Protocol oracles, starname prices are based on the IOV token only and susceptible to its price fluctuations with no fiat equivalence. With Band Protocol’s solution, any person registering for a starname will pay a fixed price anchored in trusted real world data. This integration brings reliable stability for starname prices.

BAND tokens into the Starname Manager

Starname Manager has now integrated BAND token to its list of assets, which means BAND token holders have very easy access to the Starname name service!

BAND token holders can register a starname, assign it to their BAND address and send/receive BAND tokens using their starname through the Starname Manager or Cosmostation wallet straight away (more wallet integrations coming soon!). That said, I can link my BAND address to my starname gabriela*iov and people can send tokens to gabriela*iov — no need for sharing long crypto-address anymore.

Starname crypto-profile/ Crypto-profile detail

This asset integration comes with another perk as well: Starname Manager users can set up their crypto-profile, which is a social media inspired profile to share your public crypto information. If the name service is supported by the wallet the sender is using, starname can be used. Otherwise, your crypto addresses are displayed on your profile and the sender has access to it.

You can get your starname today here . Interested in adding an oracle to your project? Check here the Band Protocol documentation.

