iov-cli: Highway to the IOV Name Service

Starname Blog


Most of the times, testing and understanding a blockchain project is not a trivial task: the most standard and atomic unit of work (send tokens from A to B) requires at least a signature pair generation, build, sign and send a transaction, and lately, validate the transaction or account balance.

I will explain how to (easily) connect to the IOV Name Service(tendermint based), get some tokens, register a name and then send tokens to a name address; all of these using our old friend, the “Command Line Interface”.

This article is conceptually correct; however, some constants are out-of-date. Visit for the up-to-date version of this article.

Note: In this medium format, command lines might be displayed as several lines depending on your screen format. Beware to execute full command lines, one at a time.


You need npm and terminal access to complete this tutorial.

In order to have access to iov-cli, we need to install it, so let's create a small project and add package dependencies

mkdir mycliwallet
cd mycliwallet
npm init -yes
npm install @iov/cli@0.16.0

You can also install iov-cli globally, or using yarn, just check this link for more details

Is time to start our cli, in the same terminal that we added the package, execute:


You will see a list of functions that are available to use. They are grouped by package and export some of iov-core functionality

Now we have access to our iov terminal session.

Initial Configuration

Time to write some code in our iov terminal.
If we want to use a cli wallet, we need:

  • a profile and a connection to IOV testnet
const profile = new UserProfile();const signer = new MultiChainSigner(profile);const { connection } = await signer.addChain(bnsConnector("wss://"));const chainId = connection.chainId();

chainId should print ‘iov-lovenet’

  • a wallet and an iov address connected to our profile. we will generate a random mnemonic
const randomEntropy = Random.getBytes(32);const wallet = profile.addWallet(Ed25519HdWallet.fromEntropy(await randomEntropy));const myIdentity = await profile.createIdentity(, chainId, HdPaths.iov(0));const myAddress = signer.identityToAddress(myIdentity);console.log("secret random mnemonic: ", profile.printableSecret(;

If you want to know my secret (doo da do), it was:

company buddy electric crouch boss noble lift machine other unfair toilet pill barely mass sunny beach lamp release ancient call zoo mask grit puppy

and myAddress:


Get some IOV tokens on my account

We are connected to iov-lovenet (testnet), so we can use iov faucet to get some tokens

const faucet = new IovFaucet("");await, "IOV" as TokenTicker);

Check that the account has some tokens now

let myAccount = await connection.getAccount({ address: myAddress });myAccount
>> { address: 'tiov1azf4469g720ea3pzgtctz7tm9ema7kgft7pyqf',
[ { quantity: '10000000000',
fractionalDigits: 9,
tokenTicker: 'IOV' } ],
pubkey: undefined }

Register a Name in IOV Name Service

Now is time to use one of the iov value propositions: a human readable address that works as a Non Fungible Token and allows storage of multiple addresses from multiple blockchains

First we need to create the transaction body. You can add as many chainId/address pairs a you like, following the list template below:

use your username here, mine is already taken ;)

.editorconst registrationTx = await connection.withDefaultFee<RegisterUsernameTx & WithCreator>({
kind: "bns/register_username",
creator: myIdentity,
targets: [
{ chainId: chainId, address: myAddress },
{ chainId: "cosmos-hub2" as ChainId, address: "cosmos17w5kw28te7r5vn4qu08hu6a4crcvwrrgzmsrrn" as Address}
username: "antoine*iov",

Now we sign, post and confirm the transaction

await signer.signAndPost(registrationTx);const bnsConnection = connection as BnsConnection;const myAccountBNS  = await bnsConnection.getUsernames({ owner: myAddress });
>> [ { id: 'antoine*iov',
owner: 'tiov188ayx37py2r86wz5a4a2vrn4ejrwhnnte4n7kc',
targets: [ [Object], [Object] ] } ]
myAccountBNS[0].targets>> [ { chainId: 'iov-lovenet', address: 'tiov1azf4469g720ea3pzgtctz7tm9ema7kgft7pyqf' }, { chainId: 'cosmos-hub2', address: 'cosmos17w5kw28te7r5vn4qu08hu6a4crcvwrrgzmsrrn' } ]

That is it! Welcome to the world of Personalized Names :)

Extra Mile: Send IOV Tokens to a Personalized Name

To showcase the importance of a human friendly name address, we will send some tokens from a new account, to the Personalized Name previously generated into IOV Name Service

Open a new terminal in mycliwallet and run ./node_modules/.bin/iov-cli

Repeat the steps from Initial Configuration and Get some IOV tokens on my account.

First, we need to get the recipient personalized address (“antoine*iov” in this case)

const recipientData = await bnsConnection.getUsernames({ username: "antoine*iov" });

YES!! You got it!! We search by username, no need to copy/paste/barcode scan string addresses

Now that we have the list of addresses registered by the user in `recipientData`, we will search for a specific address in a specific chain (“bns-hugnet” chain in this case)

const recipientChainAddressPair = recipientData[0].targets.find(chainaddrPair => chainaddrPair.chainId === 'iov-lovenet');

Create the transaction

.editorconst sendTx: SendTransaction = {
kind: "bcp/send",
creator: myIdentity,
recipient: recipientChainAddressPair.address,
memo: "My first transaction by username B-)",
amount: {
quantity: "100000",
fractionalDigits: 9,
tokenTicker: "IOV" as TokenTicker,

Now we sign, post and confirm the transaction

await signer.signAndPost(sendTx);(await connection.getAccount({ address: myAddress })).balance;

Your balance should be “9799900000”. And if you just sent IOV tokens to antoine*iov, thank you!

