Is Starname the only true Web 3.0 Asset Name Service?

IOV Starname Official
Starname Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2022

Questions we get all the time here at Starname:

“Why would I need a Starname when I already have a .eth address?”

We often get these questions in our telegram channel from people joining our community wondering about the perks of having a *starname. Then after they get it — why it’s nothing like Ethereum Name Service (ENS) or Unstoppable Domains (UD) we get two more questions:

“Why isn’t *starname more well-known!?
Then eventually:
“Why is *starname the only truly decentralized name service?”

OK, they’re not always in that order but they do come so frequently that we wanted to answer them right here for you.

Web 3: Enter the Age of digital ownership

*starname means aligning yourself with the principles of Web3 by allowing custom extensions

Let’s look in the rearview mirror.

Copycats are copycats, they understand what worked before the technological leap and their way of embracing this new technology is to reproduce the old business model.

The case in point we’re interested in is ICANN. That’s the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. ICANN worked wonders to translate IP Addresses into readable names, so the thinking had to go — let’s do the same for blockchain addresses! Blockchain = decentralization right? And dot com can be dot crypto right? .ETH if you love Ethereum.

But was there anything new compared to ICANN?

The answer is not really. Web3 is born from the decentralization made possible by blockchain technology and comes with its new main feature: Digital ownership. In Web 2.0 ICANN controls the name service space by controlling and limiting the possible extensions.

This is what UD and ENS are doing. How decentralized is that? Why prevent a user from creating its own extension? Why would a community be called .ETH when they have nothing to do with ETH or CRYPTO or ZIL?

Things change. Needs change. Interests change.

Own Your Entire Name (not just another .extension)

The only truly decentralized name service aligned with Web3 core philosophy of digital ownership is *starname.

*starname is a true user/community owned name service. You can use your name, or any name you want. Could be your name, your company, your hobby.

“You wouldn’t really want to use .eth if you’re a cosmos fan after all?”

A name will qualify your asset, it will help you categorize, promote, market, be part of a community … all of the above and more. You don’t even have to own a digital asset, just having a *cosmos or *atom name signifies your environment about your preferences … You wouldn’t really want to use .eth if you’re a cosmos fan after all?

And while we’re at it: Why use .crypto if your community is about *online_gaming ?

We use name services for promotional purposes. So let’s have the names that mean something to us. Not pre-programmed centralized extensions controlled by a provider.

With *starname you can create and purchase the extension of your liking, you can join existing communities by buying into their starnames or just create your own one.

Web 1.0 was read, Web 2.0 was read/write, Web3 is read/write/own

With *starname you can own your name. Your entire name: from the first character, beyond the extension, all the way to the last character and be ready for the Web3 future.

A name service is more than granting you the privilege to use specific extensions. It’s the template by which you build everything yours in Web3.

Those questions keep coming. As for the answers?
We think we’ve outlined the reasons to have a *starname.It’s only a matter of time until *starname overtakes the web 2.0 versions.

Own your extensions, be web 3.0 …The only true question is:

What’s in a Starname ?

And the answer is *uptoyou.

