*like *starname — COMMUNITY BADGES

Starname Updates
Starname Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2022
*like is now available as a community badge!

We are happy to continue to connect with other crypto communities and today we release *like as a community badge! 👏👏

Decentralized Publishing

LikeCoin, a Cosmos based IBC enabled project, is a Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure to empower digital content ownership and publications.

Using LikeCoin’s registry protocol — ISCN (International Standard Content Number) — content creators can rest assured about the integrity of their publications: always accessible content metadata that guarantees the ownership and makes content easier to retrieve, just like what gives an NFT its value.

The ISCN is like the ISBN for books: it’s a unique and immutable ID that contains information (metadata) about a publication such as the author, title, timestamp, version, licenses, etc. All this information is registered on the LikeCoin chain and linked to decentralized storage. LikeCoin is actively developing an NFT module and aims to provide NFT options to creators as well.

For its tech adoption and usage, LikeCoin provides SDK/plugins that can be integrated into publication platforms, which include social media and blog websites such as WordPress, Blogspot, Medium, and YouTube — bridging them all to Web3. Developers also have started to build Web3 native publications Dapps on LikeCoin, aiming to provide decentralized publishing tools for the Cosmos ecosystem and other DAOs.

Decentralized Rewards

Creators can integrate to their publications a LikeCoin button (like the one below) to earn rewards! This means that readers/followers/audience can support their favorite creators using LikeCoin buttons or directly sending LikeCoins ($LIKE) to creators.

LikeCoin button 👆. Give a “like”! 😜

The embedded LikeCoin buttons can be clicked (“clapped”) from 1 up to 5 times — the more claps, the greater the appreciation for the content. The amount of these click-claps will be considered for the allocation of part of the creator's fund of the day.

Starname believes in the Cosmos’ projects integration in which every project is fulfilling its part of the mission while supporting each other and making sense altogether!

If you are a Gmail user, you can now register for FREE your *like starname! (Alternatively, you can register a *like starname for only 1,5 IOV — further info about $IOV here).

  • Go to the Starname App and log in with your Gmail account.
  • Go with the flow to claim your *starname: type the name you wish, pick *like domain from the drop-down list, register it, and…. it’s yours!
  • You can now set up your *like starname and link it to your wallets using the Starname App so you can start sharing your *like starname and receiving crypto through it!

Each *like starname comes with:

  • A Starname Profile — a simple way you can share the crypto information you would like to share!
  • A bunch of pre-generated wallets of Cosmos-based projects (your LikeCoin wallet is one of those, but if you already have one, worry not, you can easily edit your profile!)
  • A few $IOV to customize your profile so you’re all set!

You can use *starname in the apps the Starname Service is integrated into (Cosmostation Mobile App and Sputnik Bot for now), and besides that, the Starname Profile can be used as a payment interface or a way to share your crypto addresses too!

Ready to experience blockchain in a simple way and praise your crypto community? Share your *like starname!


About Starname
Starname is an asset name service and the best way to claim your part of the blockchain to use for decentralized identification, payments and ownership.

Website | Twitter | Telegram

About LikeCoin
LikeCoin is an inter-chain protocol and framework for decentralized publishing and content ownership.

Website | Twitter | Discord


