Partnership Announcement: Request

Invoicing and Getting Paid with starname

Starname Updates
Starname Blog
3 min readNov 27, 2020


We have announced this partnership before, but now it is time to share some details about it. ⏰

Request’s partnership contributes immensely to mass adoption and starname usability. As an open network for transactions requests, Request’s service enables invoicing with settlement in crypto, so you can pay and get paid in any currency, as a freelancer or business.

Last week, Request announced that users can now issue invoices that support payment swaps, which are executed on-chain utilizing Uniswap smart contracts. So paying with crypto with Request means that customers can pay with the cryptocurrency they wish.

That said, we must add that now you can be invoiced with Request using your starname to receive crypto. Ta-da! 💫 Let us show you how!

To get started with Request is easy and free. To continue using Request is also easy — invoicing and paying invoices are seamless experiences — and issuing invoices is completely free.

To create your invoice, you can choose how you want to receive your funds. Take a look at the 3 quick steps below:

Step1: Add your client info and find/add a new wallet.

Step 2: Create your wallet and assign your starname to it. We are using here leonardo*iov (to find out which currencies Leonardo accepts, check his Starname profile !🖼️)

Step 3: Save your wallet and… that’s it!✔️

Assigning leonardo*iov as the ETH receiver address
Wallet registered with a starname

Once your wallet is correctly added, you just need to complete the description of the product/service you want to invoice, its price and an optional memo. You can add tags for future references (you will have access to a full history of your invoices) and, at this point, you are literally one click away to create and send your invoice.

On the payer’s side, there’s a notification email that gives access to the invoice that includes a Pay Now button. Clicking on it, you see the popup below.
To pay Leonardo, WalletConnect was used to connect to Trust Wallet where the ETH payer’s account, used in this example, is managed.

And voilà!

Find out about Request here, register/manage your starname today here and be amazed by how easy it is to invoice in crypto. 🚀

