Starname & Sputnik Network

Send, receive and exchange crypto easily using your social media accounts!

Starname Updates
Starname Blog
5 min readMar 16, 2021


You can now send IOV tokens via a simple line of chat in Telegram or Twitter to any user, even if they don’t have a wallet.

Sounds too easy? Well, let us introduce you to the Sputnik Network!

Sputnik is revolutionary in the way you can send and exchange crypto and you can do that using your Twitter or Telegram account! To illustrate how easy it is, consider the line below was written on Twitter:

@username 1iov #sputnik

What you just read is a transaction of 1 $IOV to @username! And that’s it! You just need the recipient’s Twitter handle, the amount you want to send, the currency and #sputnik 🤯

Furthermore, the sender or even the recipient don’t even need to create a wallet because a handle is all you need: if you have a Twitter or a Telegram handle, you can send and receive crypto!💥

The brilliant idea of Sputnik is to enable P2P transactions and exchanges using Twitter (via tweets or tweet replies) and Telegram (via @SputnikNetworkBot). And there is more to come: the Sputnik team have plans to make it a DeFi-tool in which users will earn fees by providing liquidity!

Sputnik Network is the work of the creators of the innovative KavaTipBot. Through Sputnik, you will be able to send, receive and exchange tokens from different chains in the Cosmos Ecosystem such as $IOV, $KAVA, $HARD, $USDX, $ATOM and $SCRT! Network fees are destinated to validators and apply for $ATOM, $IOV and $SCRT, but in the Sputnik bot, all transactions are free of charge!

So how can you use Sputnik Exchange?

If you prefer video tutorials, check Post Human’s video here.
If you rather prefer written instructions, please continue. 🤓

On Telegram — Connect to the bot, add tokens to your balance, send tips and/or exchange crypto!

  • Look for the @SputnikNetworkBot and click on start.
  • The bot interface is very intuitive, but type /help to see the available commands.
  • To fill up your Sputnik pouches, click on deposit.
  • You will then see Sputnik’s address and your memo — your memo is unique and required for the transaction you will make to your Sputnik wallet.
  • Go to Cosmostation wallet and pick the wallet of the currency you want to send tokens from. Click on the send button.
  • For the recipient address use *sputnik (yep! Sputnik uses Starname’s name service!💫).
  • Proceed with the amount and ⚠️ do not forget to add your unique MEMO — copy it from Telegram 😉⚠️ . Continue, check the details of your transaction and confirm it.
  • Out of the Cosmostation wallet, go back to the bot on Telegram, click on balance to see your balance updated and type /hist to see the history of your transactions.

Sending tips

  • On the bot, click on Send Tips;
  • Type de Telegram handle of the user you want to tip and hit enter;
  • Pick a currency.
  • Type the amount you want to send. Hit enter.
  • Confirm it. And that’s it, the tip is sent! 🤑

Exchanging crypto

  • On the bot, click on Buy;
  • Pick the currencies of your exchange pair.
  • Check the available offers.
  • Type the amount you would like to buy.
  • Confirm the exchange. 💰

On Twitter — Connect to the Sputnik wallet using your Twitter account, add tokens to your balance if needed and start sending tips!

  • Go to and click on the button to login with Twitter.
  • You will be prompted to your Sputnik wallet.
  • To combine your Telegram balance with your Twitter balance, you can connect them by clicking on +telegram.
  • To send a tip on Twitter, you need to write a tweet or a tweet reply in the format below:

<@twitterhandle> <amount><currency>#sputnik

Or a bit more realistic:

@username 1iov #sputnik

You can also send several tips in one tweet:

@username1 0.1kava

@username2 13.12iov

@username3 0.666atom


In the example above, you can see that three users were tipped.

To send a different kind of crypto to the same user, you need to repeat the username like this:

@username1 0.444kava

@username1 132iov

@username1 0.05atom


It will send to one user 3 different tips in 3 different currencies.

After writing the tips in the right format, you just need to publish your tweet or tweet reply… and it’s done! ✅

This is Sputnik’s roadmap for Q1–2021:

- Implementation of the P2P-exchange in the telegram-bot functionality ✔️

- Adding $ATOM, $IOV, $SCRT to the bot functionality ✔️

- Bot re-branding ✔️

- Updating the website UI for $ATOM, $IOV, $SCRT 🚧

- New website design 🚧

- Implementation of the Starname service with the ability to receive and send funds to *starnames 🚧

- Updating the website UI with the possibility to combine Telegram and Twitter accounts with Starname service 🚧

- Creating the Market of Usable NFTs by adding the functionality to sell&buy already registered *starnames into the p2p-exchange 🚧

- Integration with BrightID service 🚧

If you got curious and wants to know more about Sputnik, you can join the SPUTNIK community on Telegram. 😉

Editor’s note: a huge thank you to Vladimir Understanding (Sputnik Navigator) for all his enthusiasm and guidance!

Illustrations used on the post are from Sputnik’s stickers pack.

>> Join the Starname channel in Telegram and follow Starname on Twitter!

