Why use Starname instead of PayPal.me and other direct payment solutions?

Benjamin Simatos
Starname Blog


How to get paid easily?

This is the core problem we are looking at.

Many players have developed solutions to make it easy to pay and get paid.

Some like PayPal removed complexity from bank account number and bank transfer by paying to an email or a phone number in 1 click.

Others like BitPay allowed payers to pay with crypto and merchants could receive crypto or fiat on their traditional account, opening the use of crypto for traditional accounts.

However, these solutions are from the centralised past: a middleman is helping you to get paid and take a fee from YOUR money in the process. They offer more flexibility than a traditional bank, but still:

  • receiving money through PayPal.me might cost you fixed fees + over 4.9% of the amount transferred, especially when it comes to international payments! And settlement might be long, depending on bank transfer on which it is relying, not available in all countries in the world.
  • receiving bitcoin through BitPay will cost you 1% of the amount transferred, without counting hidden fees in the conversion into fiat if you choose to settle in fiat.

In addition, these centralised companies are required to run KYC/KYB on you, so you need to provide them with all your private and personal information and bank account details.

We understand and support the fact that KYC/KYB needs to be done to fight against money laundering, but doing it every time you need to sign up for a new financial service like exchange or payment becomes really burdening (fortunately there is some work done on portable identity for KYC/KYB done as we speak and we are looking forward to sovereign identity!).

We believe that these centralised payments solutions were a great improvement over just a bank account number and bank transfer, and it is now time to look at the full power of blockchain: real peer to peer transaction without any middleman (and therefore no need for KYC/KYB), instant worldwide payment, and no intermediary fee ever.

This is where the Starname Profile comes in

Starname is a decentralised identity, allowing you to get paid and receive any crypto easily from anyone.

Starname is fully decentralised and can be integrated into any app. At the moment it is still fresh, and the first app that we have developed is the Starname Profile on starname.me.

Some examples of profiles are like freelancer *lauren, the (not official) *guardian for donation, musician *carlosjobim or gift pool tracy*happybirthday.

What is the Starname Profile bringing ?

Being fully decentralised, the starname profile brings many benefits that classic centralised solutions will never be able to provide:

  • you don’t need to give your ID or any bank or personal details to set it up;
  • you are in control of the addresses the payments are being sent to (directly to your wallet or crypto exchange account to convert to fiat, if you wish);
  • you can select to receive any cryptocurrency and digital asset, not just ETH, BTC, LTC or USDC usually accepted by centralised applications; (and soon from classic credit card as well, automatically converted into your favorite crypto);
  • you can get paid from anywhere in the world instantly;
  • you can make it verified with Twitter to prevent impersonation;
  • you don’t depend on a middleman for your payments (not even Starname); no one can prevents the payment to proceed.
  • and most importantly since we are talking about money and payment: 0 commission fees always.

In other words, you are really in control of any crypto payment sent to you. The profile itself is decentralised on a blockchain so that you don’t depend on anyone else to control it. This means that it will never get blocked because a middleman decides to hold on on your payments.

Get started today — get your profile on starname.me.

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Benjamin Simatos
Starname Blog

Working on giving better access to the world’s values.