Welcome? Welcome.

Kevin Shi
IP hub
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2024
Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.

As someone who doesn’t think of themselves as a writer, I usually write as a relaxing hobby. Of course, I do write for other purposes: to convey my ideas, to persuade others, to entertain, inform, or educate.

The thing is, when I write something that I know I will publicize, there is something stressful about having to make the story engaging and informative so as not to waste the reader’s time.

Sure, if I were writing all of these stories to achieve a certain purpose, I’d be willing to set myself a deadline and polish up everything I write. But, as I’ve said, I’m usually writing for fun, and this stress stops me from writing about 95% of what I want to write. The other 5% I do publish is stuff that’s both fun for me and (somewhat) informative.

So, I was thinking, wouldn’t it be nice if I published the other 95% of the stuff I want to write? And, to publish them in a place where I can just do whatever I want, without having to think about whether it’s really useful?

And I decided to make this publication. I don’t know if anyone will actually read this publication, but that doesn’t really matter: the more polished pieces will go elsewhere, and all my random notes will be dumped inside, in case any curious reader wants to scroll through them. Who knows, maybe they’ll be more interesting than my typical writing.

By the way, I__P refers to the MBTI personality test, where I (introverted) and P (perceiving) really characterize this publication.

I’ll be posting random stuff; in cases where these stories turn out to be of unexpectedly high quality, I’ll still keep them here, for anyone who wants to find them.

If you want to join this publication and write lazily without having to think about the formalities of communication, please comment below! Or, just message me, whichever way you prefer.

Generally, I will accept any stories you submit to this publication, with the baseline requirement that you don’t do anything illegal or violate Medium’s guidelines. I would also prefer that you don’t put anything violent or graphic, although I’d probably allow that if you insist.

And also, as a final note, writing freely and for fun ≠ writing gibberish OR writing nonsense OR writing without thinking OR (you get the idea). What counts as gibberish is up to my discretion, but feel free to debate with me.

Anyway, have fun and be happy!



Kevin Shi
IP hub
Editor for

Human being that likes math and education, also doing math and AI research