Top 8 Most Innovative Companies in the U.S

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6 min readSep 2, 2020

Innovation is key in surviving & thriving in a competitive landscape.

If you look at the most successful companies in the U.S, they are constantly innovating with products and services while carving out a sustainable competitive advantage. These companies work towards innovating new products and services around the clock, constantly investing in research & development, intellectual property, and market research. So what are the most innovative and successful companies in the U.S? What do these companies do to be so innovative, and what are some of the biggest innovations that they brought to their industry? Here are the top eight most innovative companies in the United States.


You may have never heard of Alphabet, but you likely constantly use their products and services. Alphabet is one of the world’s largest technology companies, being the parent company of Google and many other companies like Calico and DeepMind. The Google brand has been known as one of the biggest innovators in the tech world, constantly pushing the limits of technology. Alphabet and Google have ranked as one of the most innovative companies almost every year for the past decade, simply because they constantly push out products and services. The company’s portfolio is massive and diverse, including various software products as well as hardware. Alphabet puts a major emphasis on innovating and adapting to industry trends, which is why the company has dominated the internet and tech worlds for the past decade. From Google reinventing the way we search for and consume information on the Internet to DeepMind’s work with artificial intelligence, Alphabet is constantly innovating and it has really paid off.


Another major tech company that is constantly innovating is Apple, a company that seems to be prevalent no matter where you go. Apple’s products are extremely popular, & are used by millions across the world. Although some may criticize Apple for releasing similar models of hardware every year, Apple has actually made some pretty big innovations. Big design changes like removing the headphone jack on their phones have drawn criticism from users at launch, only to be readily praised later on down the road. The same can be said about the company’s software, as the company constantly tries to update and improve its IOS operating system. Much like Alphabet, Apple has a wide variety of products and is extremely successful. Innovation and adaptation are the cruces of this success, constantly pushing the tech giant to new heights.


Amazon is rapidly expanding in size and popularity, mostly due to the company’s innovation and willingness to enter new markets. Originally an online marketplace, Amazon has evolved to the point where nearly everyone in America uses the platform. Whether you’re looking to buy groceries, textbooks, or electronics Amazon has it all, and it can be shipped directly to your home. When it comes to innovation, Amazon has done a lot of things to solidify its market share. First, it launched its own streaming platform and subscription service, allowing users to get free expedited shipping and access to its streaming services with one payment. Amazon has also purchased numerous budding companies like Twitch and Audible to include in its Amazon Prime benefits. Finally, Amazon even launched its own delivery service with its own drivers and vehicles. The delivery service allows Amazon to enter into a new market and compete with companies like FedEx and UPS, while allowing them to get its products to customers faster. If you’re talking about the most innovative companies in the U.S, then you have to include Amazon in the conversation.


Not many car companies are out pushing the envelope when it comes to their products and services, but Tesla certainly does. CEO Elon Musk, an inventor and innovator, is always willing to try new things when it comes to his company. Tesla is really changing the way the industry works, pushing out luxury electric cars when most other car companies are still producing cars that take traditional fuel. The company is constantly working on research and development, creating multiple design patents for the inner workings of their vehicles. Tesla also engages in patent licensing, allowing anyone to use their technology in good faith. Tesla wants to make the patent search process as easy as possible for others, as they feel that it is needed in order to make the complete switch to sustainable transportation. As a result, Tesla is not only innovating itself but is making it easier for other companies to innovate and work towards more sustainable transportation methods.


The retail climate is rapidly changing, and in order for big retail stores to survive, they’re going to need to adapt and innovate. Walmart has not only survived through this changing retail climate but has thrived and succeeded. Walmart has put a heavy emphasis on customer convenience and experience, heavily indexing into online shopping while other retailers have lagged behind. There are plenty of things that you can purchase from Walmart online, and the company has recently shifted to offer NextDay Delivery for many customers. The store is also innovating with store pickup, allowing customers to grocery shop online, and then pick up their goods at a physical store. Companies like Amazon and other online retailers are going to push traditional retailers to the brink, so it’s important for the retail industry to have innovators like Walmart in order to survive.


A company that has been completely reinventing the entertainment industry and the way we consume media is Netflix. Originally, Netflix completely altered the way we consume television and movies, getting consumers to switch from cable television to a streaming platform. Even when other companies began to follow Netflix’s lead and release their own streaming services, Netflix continued to adapt and change the game, altering its strategy to produce more original content and fill out its library with titles you can’t find on any other streaming platform. Netflix has been constantly innovating in order to stay ahead of other media companies and retain its market share, something that earns them the distinction of one of the most innovative companies in the U.S. Netflix’s market intelligence is unmatched, as the company really seems to have its finger on the pulse of the industry, allowing Netflix to stay ahead of the competition and give consumers exactly what they want.


When thinking of innovative American companies, tech and media giants are likely the first companies that come to mind. You might not expect one of the most innovative companies in the country to be a fast-food restaurant, but McDonald’s is actually quite innovative. The fast-food industry is competitive and vicious, and in order to stay on top, you need to be constantly adapting and innovating. McDonald’s has been innovating in a variety of ways, both in its products and in its service. Veganism and healthy eating are becoming major trends, so Mcdonald’s has made several efforts to introduce healthy food options and plant-based options into their menu. Although these decisions may not affect their core target market, it has led to many new customers giving Mcdonald’s a try. On the service side of things, McDonald’s has been innovating with self-serve kiosks. Having these kiosks can allow customers to easily order their food with just a touch of a few buttons, speeding up the ordering process. Even though McDonald’s might not be the first company that comes to mind when you think of innovators, the company has done more than enough to be considered a trailblazer in the fast-food industry.


Social media is becoming extremely prevalent in our everyday lives and one of the first companies that capitalized on the trend was Facebook. Before other social media platforms like Twitter and Snapchat existed, Facebook was launched. Facebook has millions of users, and in order to keep these users from flocking to other platforms, Facebook needs to be constantly innovating. As a result, the platform has made numerous updates to the platform that improved the user interface, integrated the Facebook Messenger App into the platform, and provided new features to users. In addition, Facebook acquired Instagram in order to consolidate their social media holdings and eliminate a potential competitor in one move. Facebook has been innovating since the day it launched in 2004, making the social media platform one of the most innovative companies in the country.

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