6 teams. 30+ hackers. Coding for purpose.

Hackers come together to #codeforpurpose using decentralized libraries and networks during Revision Summit

4 min readNov 22, 2018


More than 30 talented developers, designers, and people looking to inspire social change came together at Betahaus in Berlin for the first hackathon organized by IPDB Foundation in cooperation with Jolocom, Ocean Protocol Team, and RIDDLE&CODE as part of Revision Summit 2018 co-creator’s day.

The theme of the inaugural hackathon was to ‘code for purpose’ and decentralize the web — a call to action that sits at the intersection of technology and social change, one destined to help answer the question posed by the Revision Summit theme:

How do we reach a more human-centric and purpose driven society in the digital age?


After welcoming remarks from the organizers, and an introduction to the day from developer and design mentors, teams were given a full 7 hours to explore different decentralized solutions to common social challenges.

From right to left: Joachim Lohkamp, IPDB President & Tom Fürstner, IPDB General Secretary

To help them prepare for the day, organizers provided a roster of libraries and code source to work with from IPDB and BigchainDB, Riddle&Code, Ocean Protocol, and Jolocom, accessed here → http://bit.ly/hackermaterials

Hackathon resources found at → http://bit.ly/hackermaterials


With the challenges fully laid out and the technical resources introduced, the crowd was eager to form teams and get started.

The 35+ hackathon participants coalesced into six separate teams, some of which already had pre-formed ideas of what they wanted to work on, while others developed and iterated on new ideas. Each group had the option of receiving help and guidance from one of the coaches or mentors present, all of whom are experienced designers or developers with tactical skills in working on decentralized identity protocols, Token Curated Registries, and/or distributed networks.


These six groups were able to make use of the resources and mentorship provided to tackle a very distinct problem and at the end of the day, shared what they had been working on and how far they’d managed to progress with their ideas. Two of the groups were even able to present live demos — that worked! This is what our hackers came up with:

TEAM-1 :: Derived ID :: a digital self-sovereign identity replacement for analog German ID cards using Jolocom

“Derived ID” to replace analog German ID cards and put ownership of identity information back into the hands of users. Makes use of Jolocom’s universal identity protocol to create a demo (that worked!) of a self-sovereign identity smartwallet for German citizens.

TEAM-2 :: ScanTrust :: traceability for coffee supply chains using ScanTrust barcodes and IPDB storage

Combination ScanTrust (https://www.scantrust.com/) barcode + IPDB’s decentralized network to create a fully distributed system for ethical supply chain traceability — using the coffee drunk during the hackathon!

TEAM-3 :: The Doc DOC :: a browser plugin to detect fake news using Jolocom

Team “the DocDOC” spent the day developing a browser plugin to detect fake news using Jolocom’s self sovereign identity protocol to verify the identities of trusted journalists and articles.

TEAM-4 :: Domi :: a “Fair Housing” application for foreigners entering Berlin using IPDB, RNC, and Jolocom

Making use of IPDB for storage, Riddle&Code for NFC tag reads, and Jolocom for registration, “Domi” can be used by foreigners entering Berlin to store, access, and share their rental histories in a decentralized network.

TEAM-5 :: ForgetMe :: a consent key to revoke personal data from companies using Jolocom

The “ForgetMe” ‘consent key’, derived from the Jolocom identity protocol and user-facing SmartWallet, allows users to share and revoke personal data with online services.

TEAM-6 :: EUtopia :: a distributed ledger to register projects at universities using IPDB

“EUtopia” is a blockchain-backed solution towards selecting and logging milestones on university projects through the use of smart contracts.


Immediately following the final presentation, the audience was given a chance to vote on the idea they found to be the most ingenious and inspiring, or made best use of the technology. Results were calculated using Mentimeter, a live voting platform, and revealed our winner to be…

The team from ScanTrust took home the grand prize. As part of their winnings, they have the chance to present their work at the next Meetup hosted by Decentralized Web Summit — Europe. They also took home 600 Ocean Raindrops (aka Tokens!).

Team ScanTrust hard at work with support from Riddle&Code’s Jürgen Eckel

In addition, all attendees received a free ticket to Revision Summit 2018 the following day, 200 Ocean Raindrops, as well as SWAG — bags, beanies, notebooks, pens and stickers! — and other memorabilia.


The IPDB Foundation is immensely grateful for the time and dedication of our hackathon participants, mentors, organizers, and hosts. We had a great time, and hope that we’ll be able to stay connected with everyone who took part as we continue expanding the community and calling for open source and distributed solutions to the challenges we face today and that can be solved with technology.

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